Why not?!

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"I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL ABOUT THIS" Soonyoung whined following his mother and father around the house as they got the rest of the boys up for school.

"Because we said NO Soonyoung! You are too young for that and no means NO" momma Jeonghan walked out of a bedroom with both (now 10 year olds) Minghao and Dino on his hips, a much taller Jun following behind.

"But Dad has one so why can't I get one?!" Soonyoung pointed a finger at his father who was literally pushing Mingyu off of his bed to wake him up.

"Na-ah buddy, no pointing fingers at me! You heard your mother he said no, final answer, wait till you have eleven kids and try again!" Seungcheoul yelled off to his son who rolled his eyes and rudely slammed the door to one of the bathrooms.

Once all the boys were washed, brushed, and out the door, the parents took a load off, plopping their happy behinds on the couch.

"Ughh I still have to go to the company for a label meeting..." Seungcheoul huffed placing his arm around his love

"And I still have to go to the set of my brothers movie..." Jeonghan sighed laying his head on his husbands chest.

"Your brother can pick up the boys at school today right?" Jeonghan looked up to see his husbands thinking face.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure I can call Sehun to do it, if not Lay can." Seungcheoul kissed the top of Jeonghan's head and began running his fingers through his hair.

"We're doing the right thing right?" Seungcheoul looked down and lifted Jeonghan's face.

"With Soonyoung? Of course we are! Yes we knew the teenage years were going to be hell and they would be extremely bratty but it's still a no. Soonyoung is way to young get his ear pierced" Jeonghan stated placing a kiss on Seungcheouls awaiting lips. The two separated heading to the bathroom before leaving the house. Content with the plan set for the day.

Jeonghan would head to his brothers set for the day.
Seungcheoul headed to work for a meeting with all the artist in his company.
Sehun was set to pick up the middle school kids after school.
And Lay was set to pick up the pre -school-elementary kids!

Even now to the end of the day, each elementary child has eaten some chicken made by Lay and the middle school kids had eaten Ramen made by their uncle Luhan.

The parents showed up back home, Seungcheoul placeing his briefcase in his office and Jeonghan rushing into his room to change for Family night.

The only problem with tonight's family night? Well let's just say the Choi they had an argument with earlier...hasn't shown up yet.

"Where the hell could he be!" Jeonghan paced by the front door. The kids had each settled in the front living room, listening to the television while they watched their mother pace and complain about where 10:10 was.

"Don't worry sweetheart I trust Seh-" Before Seungcheoul could finish, his brother and 13 year old son walked through the door, though something was different.

"Soonyoung! Where have you too been?!" Jeonghan freaked out inspecting their son for any scratches or marks. You see after the incident with Vernon, Jeonghan made it a point to check every child once they came home.

"Woah! Mom I'm okay! Uncle Sehun just took me to his Studio for a couple of hours!" Soonyoung smiled looking up to his Uncle as Sehun ruffled the beanie on top of his head, revealing the one thing his parents never wanted to see.

"SOONYOUNG WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!" Seungcheoul yelled turning his sons head to look at the ear directly.

His brothers all swarmed around looking at their brother, some with shocked faces and some laughing knowing he was in trouble.

"Dude you are so Fucked" Wonwoo laughed making his parents quickly turn their head to their son in surprise. Never had he cussed before so now it was pretty shocking.

Sehun, who the boy was with most of the day, tried to quickly and quietly exit the room until he felt the firm hand of his older brother on his shoulder stopping all movement.

"We will talk about your potty mouth later young man! Boys go upstairs! We need to talk to your uncle and brother" Jeonghan firmly stated allowing the boys to scurry up the stairs, not going far though, they sat at the top of the stairs looking through the railing to see their parents, brother, and uncle.

"Soonyoung what the hell were you thinking! We told you no and you go do it anyway?!" Seungcheoul yelled pacing in front of his son who was sitting on the couch with his Uncle.

"And you! What gave you the right to pierce my son?!" Jeonghan yelled tapping his foot angrily and staring at Sehun.

"Excuse me? The right? Look I know I may have stepped over some boundaries but I just got him what he wanted, I didn't see that big of a deal seeing as Seungcheoul got his ear pierced at the age of 9." Sehun stood looking at both adults, it was true, Seungcheoul was a rebellious kid in his younger years, but that was one thing he didn't want his kids to turn into.

Both parents sighed looking at their son, they didn't realize he wanted it that bad.

"Soonyoung go to your room, we will talk about this with you later." Seungcheoul stated in a firm voice, not looking their Son in the eye.

With that Soonyoung dashed up to his room, not caring that his brothers had tried to stop him and comfort him. With a loud slam of his bedroom door it was evident that his roommate Jihoon would be sleeping in another room tonight.

Seungcheoul and Jeonghan sighed hearing the door slam, almost shaking the whole house. Sehun shrugged walking toward the front door, waving to all the kids who sat on the stairs waving goodbye before fully leaving the Choi house.

"Boys go to bed, your mom and I need to talk...privately" Seungcheoul, who noticed all his children on the stairs, motioned for all of his boys to head up stairs.

Jihoon didn't move an inch, still sitting on his exact spot on the stairs, messing with his fingers.

Jeonghan noticed this and sighed looking up to the small teen. As Jeonghan was about to speak, Jihoon stood abruptly and looked at his parents with pleading eyes.

"Don't be mad at Soonyoung, I told him that he would look nice with an earring and he said that he would get it to impress me. It's not his fault, I was the one to in courage him."

Seungcheoul and Jeonghan were shocked to hear this from Jihoon, sighing they told Jihoon to sleep in Wonwoo's room for the night and that they would talk about this later.

And they did, of course the parents let Soonyoung keep the ring in his ear, with minimal grounding the family was finally back in a happy mood.

Even Sehun was forgiven by his elder brother!

Though on the condition that Sehun is not allowed to pick up the kids from school anymore...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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