Scary monsters

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Rain fell hard against the Choi house, as it had been for the entire day. Don't get it wrong it didn't change any of the plans the Choi's had planned for the day, the kids still went to school, came home to finish homework, and then watched movies together till bed.

Except one thing was different, Junhui had asked to spend the night at his friend's Sicheng's house.

Of course his parents allowed him to go, Seungcheoul and Jeonghan were very ecstatic to hear that Junhui had a friend that was also from China as well.

But back at the house, exert Choi was peacefully asleep, except for little Minghao.

Minghao sat shaking under his covers with his hands plasters on his ears due to the horrible loud thunder claps.

Minghao whimpered hearing the loud noises past his firmly pressed ears.

Minghao had never liked nighttime thunderstorms, during the day he was semi okay with the loud noises as long as someone was around but at night he felt just alone during this endeavor.

With more flashes and loud crashes Minghao had made up his mind to not sit here and whimper anymore!...but to go to someone else's room for comfort.

The problem was who? The thought about joining Dino in his bed, but he moved to much to actually lay down. Joshua and Dokyeom beds are right next to window, why too close for Minghao's comfort. Mingyu and Wonwoo's bedroom was way too dark for this big thunderstorm. Hoshi' and Jihoon's room was past the very dark and creepy bathroom. Leaving Vernon and Seungkwan's bedroom...but that was still at the other end of the hall!

That only leaves his parents bedroom, and event though it was downstairs he knew the way there by heart!

With on more large boom of thunder, Minghao grabbed his favorite blanket and dashed out of the room, sprinting down the stairs to his parents room.

Without thinking, Minghao ran into the room and Jumped on the bed hoping to fall between his parents but actually landed right on top of Seungcheoul's groin.

"Son of a Bi-" Seungcheoul jumped up holding his private parts, let's just say that wasn't the way the Choi Father planned a wake up call.

"Sorry Dad" Seungcheoul heard a squeak next to and between his husband.

"Minghao, baby what's wrong?" Jeonghan, who was awoken by shifting of the bed, turned on the lamp on the bedside table looking at their older 8 year old.

"I-I don't like the storm, and Junhui Hyung usually sleeps with me through it...." Minghao peeked his head out only for another loud boom to be heard making him scurry back under the blanket.

"Oh bub..." Seungcheoul, who had long forgotten about the horrible pain inflicted on him by the younger, layed down once again facing little Minghao under the covers.

Jeonghan joined as well looking at their young son with his ears placed firmly on his ears.

"Hey bud, what's your favorite movie in the whole world?" Seungcheoul asked looking at Minghao.

"Oh! How to train your dragon!" Minghao happily replied looking at his dad.

"Okay, How to train your dragon it is!" Seungcheoul reached for the remote searching through Netflix for the movie the little one requested.

The three snuggled up together watching the movie, though it was two in the morning, Minghao had long forgotten about the raging storm and fell asleep on his sleeping dad's lap in the middle of the movie.

Jeonghan smiled at the two while quietly turning off the tv and pulling Minghao to lay down.

Morning came leaving the parents to wake up with not just one little boy in their bed but two!

Minghao and Dino laid snuggled up in the center of the bed, almost pushing the two parents off.

Seungcheoul was confused as the when Dino had gotten there.

"He came in here last night saying usually Junhui gets up to take him to the bathroom because it was dark but since he wasn't there he didn't know where to go so he came to our room." Jeonghan smiled kissing his husband on the cheek before heading to the kitchen to feed his little monsters.

Seungcheoul shook his head smiling

'Man Junhui does a lot during the night'

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