The Kids

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This morning I dicide to go for a jog. I only do that because of a boy across the street named Flynn. He is my best friend but I like him a lot. I put on black basketball shorts and a crop top. "mom im going out for a jog be back soon" I yell. "ok" she says. I walk out side and tie my shoes.  "hey" Flynn says. "hey what do you need" I ask. " I was woundering if I could go on the jog with you" he says. "well sure but I stop up by the lake to take a break" I say. he start running. He trys to talk but how can he when I have my head phones in so. I cant belive he was jooging with me. my dreams were coming true well maybe not. all he wanted to do was jog.

When we arrive at the lake I sit under a tree. " wow did not know you ran 3 miles with out stoping" he says. "Yeah its easy but takes a lot of work" I say Yeah I would say more than a lot more like the work of a whole football team running at you for the ball" he says. Yeah right" I say. I lay down and shut my eyes. Fang comes and sits next to me. I fall asleep with no worries.

Flynn POV

I hear a weird noise. I decide to Pull Lilly close to me so nothing can hurt her she is my world. I cant belive what im thinking. im in love with my best Friend. Werid right.

Peeta  POV

It is 12 o clock. Lilly is normally home by 12. I call Finnick to see if he Knows any thing a bout this.

Hey dude. Have you Seen Lilly she went for a jog and never came back im a little worried you know.

Yeah Yeah Pet she and Flynn went for a jog they are just hanging out.

No well whatever she is home by now I think something might have happened. Get over here and lets go look for them and if we spot them I wil not worie ok

Yeah alright.

I run outside and wait for Finnick ! "hey There why are you freaking out they are fine" fin says. "no its not fine she could get Kidnapped or worse." I say


Sorry I have not been updating. I Will try harder so for know see you later

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