Chapter 10

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When we get to school I go straight for the football field. When he sees me he runs over and tries to kiss me. I do a back hand spring to get away from him. And it works. ' why did you do that" he says. "um maybe I don't want to be around you" I say. " Well that's not nice " he says " And if you come near me again I will hurt you." I say. " Sure you will" he says. " if you don't believe me then come find out for your self." I say. " Sure thing and while im at it I will kiss you as well" he says. " I will like to see you try " I say.

He runs at me again this time I chose to punch him in the gut. He still is trying.  I do a front hand spring then a round off. When I notice he is out of breath I charge him and knee him well in the spot no boy wants to be hit in. " owww owww owww" he say. " bye spitty and by the way you should have listen to Flynn next time it will be worse than that." I say. I walk a way and smile. " nice job" Flynn say. " you watched that" I say and smile. " like every one did even some of the teachers and they all said he got what was comeing to him" he told me. " no way im not in trouble with anyone.". I Smile and get to classes. During 9th period Tris came up to me.

"Hey Don't forget try outs for cheerleading are after school and we signed you up for tryouts." she says. "You did what know" I yell. " just go it will be fun" she says.  "ok I will go" I say. After the bell ring the girls give me a skirt and a Tank top. yet I still am wareing heels. we get to the gym and see the guys waveing at us.

"Girls this is serious only the best get on this squad and you will all hope you get the spot as team caption. Only one will and we find out to day not tomorrow today" chouch yells

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