Chapter 8

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I wake up in a room but it is not mine. I look around and that's when it hits me I am in Flynn's room. I try to move not to wake him but I failed. "good evening" He says. "You to" I say. ''nice to see that your up you are in big trouble Young girl" Dad says. "What did I do wrong I went for a jog and fell asleep" I yell back. I start crying after I say that because he never yells at me for any thing. "STOP  she fell asleep so I pulled her close because I heard a noise I thought you would want your daughter safe Mr. Melark" Flynn Yells. "Son is that all you did " fin asks. " yes father it is all I did I wanted her to be safe " He says. " sorry Lilly. and Um Flynn thank you for keeping her safe" Dad says. They leave the room. ' SHHHHH you are ok I promise " Flynn says.  " thanks for what you said and did ' I say He gets up and walks over to grab a book of his shelf. " No prob " he says. He hands me a book. It has a picture of us when we were five and I kissed his cheak and he blushed. I start looking though it. the only thing I could do was smile.

 I took out my iphone 4 and when on instagram and took a picture of us and taged him I put. Hanging out with this guy. He liked the photo then I got a text from my friend Elle.

Hey are you in his room (elle)  Yeah im in his room ( Lilly)  Are you two dateing or what (Elle) No but I so wish It he is amazing (Lilly) Bye(Elle)

"You wish what Lilly" Flynn says. "Nothing I sware" I say he takes my phone out of my hands and reads my texts to Elle. "so that's what you wished. " He says. I snatch my phone and get up to leave. that's when I fell him grab my arm and pull me torwads him. He kisses me his lips soft and warm. the werid thing was that I kissed back. When we break apart I am blushing like crazy and so is he. " Lilly there is something I want to ask you before you leave" He says. " And what would that be" I say. "Will you be my girlfriend" he says " yes " I say. he smiles and we kiss again. that's when my phone rings.

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