Reece - Always (part 2)

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Its been days since she left me and I miss her so bad.

But I remembered the ticket I gave her to our concert in London, I wish she would come.

I havent been sleeping or eating, I try looking happy in concerts but inside me is breaking.

"Reece come on cant you just eat a little" George demanded.

I ignored him and checked my phone for her texts but nothing.

I decided to text her is she will come to the concert or not.

I miss her so much!

Ever since I left him, I went back to my mum's house in London and told her everything.

I lock myself in my room and cry all the time. I dont eat or go outside.

"Y/N dear!" My mum knocked on my door.

"dinner is ready!" She said.

"Im not hungry" I said and she opened the door.

"You always say that, you have'nt eaten a real meal for days Y/N" she said worried.

"Im fine mum, I promise" I said and she left.

But I remembered the ticket Reece gave me to a concert here in London.

I took it and went on my bed and fiddled with the ticket for a while thinking if I should go or not.

But then my phone buzzed.

From: Reecey Boii ♡
Are you gonna come to the concert tomorrrow? Please I miss you so much! Im sorry!

I wanted to text him back so bad but at the same time I dont want to.

I ignored his text and cried for hours until I fell asleep.

The next morning came and I still cant decided if I want to go to the concert or not.

I have to admit that I do miss him so much, I want to hug him tight and tell him its alright.

I went downstairs and saw my mom cooking breakfast.

"Morning Y/N! You're right on time for breakfast" my mom said and gave me food.

"You're up early, whats up?" She asked.

"Remember the ticket Reece gave me to their concert here in London?" I asked her.

"Yes of course" she said.

"I dont know if I should go or not but I miss him so much" I said looking down.

"If I were you I would go, maybe he did that for a reason, I suggest you give him a chance to tell you everything... he deserves a second chance" my mum said holing my hand.

"Why do you say that?" I asked confused then she showed me her phone, Reece has been talking to mum.

"He talks to me everyday, he cares about you so much he always tells me that he loves you very much and I would always tell him how are you doing Y/N go and give him another chance, I know you still love him and he loves you" she said and I had the urge to go to the concert but I dont want to get spotted.

I went upstairs and get dressed I just wore some jeans, hoodie, a beanie and some converse.

I went out the house and go the arena and wow there's alot of people but since the security guards know me because of Reece they let me in

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I went out the house and go the arena and wow there's alot of people but since the security guards know me because of Reece they let me in.

I went inside and and go to the place where Reece wont see me or any of the boys.

I wore my beanie and put my hood up so the fans wont recognise me.

The concert started and after a while The Vamps introduced New Hope Club and when they came out I saw Reece... He wasnt looking so good, his eyes were red he was not energetic as he used to be and I can tell he wasnt eating nor sleeping well.

But then a fan beside me started talking "Reece isnt looking very good right?" The fan said

"Mhmm" was all I could say which cause the fan to look at me, I try to hide but she recognised me.

"Hey arent you Y/N, Reece's girlfriend?" She asked.

"Uhmm y-yeh" I said worried.

"What happened why is he like that?" She asked.

"We had some sort of fight" I said not giving any details on what happened.

"Oh well what are you doing all the way here, he wont see you" she said and pushing me through the crowd.

"Give way please, its Y/N, Reece's girlfriend!!" She screamed still pushing me to the front.

"Hey! No please! You dont understand!" I try to escape but luckily I did.

But all the action caused Blake and George to turn to where I was and saw me.

Blake went to Reece and pointed to where I was and he saw me and all the music stopped.

We did a little eye contact but I remembered what he did and tried to run through the crowd Reece jumped down the stage ignoring the guards.

All the fans backed away and gave him a path leading to me, I still tried running through the crowd but a hand grabbed my wrist, I turned around and there he was right infront of me.

"Y/N you came" he said tears forming his eyes, I looked around and now the crowd made a circle for us.

"I wanted to see you" I said looking down and Reece hugged me tight at first I didnt hugged hum back but I couldnt help myself I still hugged him back.

"Y/N im so so so sorry! I didnt know whats gotten into me, its just that I needed someone and all I could think of is to find another girl, Blake and George tried to stop me but I didnt listen and I regret everything I did I know its hard for you to forgive me but I will wait for you! I wont let go for I know there is still a place for me somewhere there in your heart, I love you Y/N, Always!" He said crying.

Everything went silent and all eyes were on us.

But I didnt care all I could think of is Reece.

I didnt know what I was doing but I looked at him and lean in to kiss him.

Sparks went through my body, I know what im doing is wrong but it felt right.

He kissed back and we pulled away.

"I mean, everyone deserves a second chance right?" I said looking at his eyes and he smiled.

He picked me up and hugged me even tighter than before.

"Thank you so much Y/N! And I promise I wont blow it up this time" he said and he kissed my forehead.

"Uhmm im sorry to inertupt this perfect moment but we kinda have a show to do" Geroge said and we laughed.

He lead me through the crowd upto the front and he went up and continue singing and he was back as happy as before.

He looked at me and winked and mouthed "I love you".

And I said "Always!"

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