George - One Last Adventure

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Me and George have been together for 5 years and it was the best 5 years of my life.

Today me and my family are going to the beach for a family day out.

"Y/N lets go!" My mum shouted.

"Coming mum!" I said and picked up my phone.

I went in the car beside my brother and go to the beach.

We arrived at the beach 30 minutes later and set up our things.

"Come on Y/N lets go to the water!" My brother pulled me but I dont really feel good I dont know why but I just ignored it.

We went to the water and played for a bit.

"Hey guys its time to eat!" My mum said and we went out of the water.

I was beside my mum and I was feeling really dizzy until I collapsed and saw blackness.

I woke up on a hospital bed trying to remember what happened.

"What happened?" I said sitting up in pain.

"Hey hey its okay just lay down, You collapsed all of a sudden and we brought you here" My mum explained.

"Oh" I sighed.

The doctor came in my room with a sad expression on his face.

"How are you feeling Y/N?" The doctor asked.

"Fine I guess" I said.

"I well have her results on the tests and im afraid to say that she has a rare cancer disease"

My world stopped hearing those words I just cant believe it.

Tears formed my eyes and everything was like in slow motion.

I felt my parents hug me but I was just shocked.

I cant let George know this or else he might panic and might quit the band just because of me.

The doctor left and I just looked out the window crying thinking of the memories me and George made.

A month later I got to go back home but I was still in serious theraphies and I still didnt let George know this but everyday I get weaker and weaker.

Y/N was with her family weeks ago but I started to worry since she didnt even sent me one text or even a call.

I tried callin her again and again and texting her but no answer.

"Hey George!" Reece and Blake entered my room.

"Hey" I whispered.

"Whats wrong?" Blake asked.

"Its Y/N its been a month since she and her family went out but until now I didnt recieve any calls or texts from her" I said worried.

"Go visit her then" Reece said.

"But what about the interview?" I said.

"Dont worry about it" Reece said.

I stood up until I felt my phone vibrated.

Come meet me in the park, I need to tell you something important, Love you!
-Y/N xx

I saw her text and quickly went there.

I arrived at the park and went looking for her and saw her sitting on the swing.

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