Feelings (Analogical)

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I wrote this for Thomas Sanders's birthday :)

Watching a Disney movie was Roman's idea. Now Logic was stuck here, watching the end of the movie, while all the other traits had fallen asleep. He wanted to get up and turn off the TV, but for some reason he didn't want to move. Anxiety was sprawled across his lap, and he couldn't find it in him to stand up so he could get the remote, which was all the way on the other side of the couch, just because it could wake up the darker trait. It was fine like this. He didn't need to move, he was happy just watching Anxiety sleep, even though the TV was a bit annoying. Logic didn't know why he was happy, why he got butterflies in his stomach every time Anxiety shifted, or why he thought the other trait looked so cute while he was sleeping. What was Logic feeling? He had never really felt emotions, especially not this kind.

Finally someone else woke up. "Morality, could you please turn the TV off? I would do it, but I don't want to wake Anxiety." Logic asked.

"Of course! Awww, he fell asleep on you! That's so adorable!" Morality smiled, turning off the TV. He sat back down on the couch next to Logic as the smarter trait rolled his eyes, blushing slightly.

Feelings were Morality's specialty, and Logic wanted to know what these feelings he felt around Anxiety were. Maybe it was for the best that he was the first one to wake up.

"Morality?" Logic looked over at him. "Can I ask you a personal question? About emotions?"

"Aww, of course you can, Logan!" Morality smiled. "What is it?"

"Um." Logic swallowed, starting to whisper so Anxiety wouldn't wake up and hear him. "What's that feeling called when you don't know why, but you get really happy around one specific person, he makes you feel nervous for no reason, and you just always want to be with him?"

Logic saw that Morality looked really giddy. "Ohmygod Logan!"

"What?" Logic was utterly confused.

"You're in loveee!!! Ohmygod tell me who you're in love with! Unless you don't want me to know, that's ok too. Ohmygod is it Anxiety!!" Morality squealed.

"Shhhhhh!" Logic hissed. "You're going to wake him up!"

Morality gasped. "Ohmygod it is Anxiety!"

Anxiety opened his eyes, looking up at the two traits. "What's me?" He asked sleepily.

"Oops." Morality shrugged as Logic glared at him.

"Oh, sorry." Anxiety sat up between the two traits. "I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, Logan."

"It's fine." Logic nervously smiled at him.

"So what were you two talking about?" Anxiety yawned.

"N-nothing!" Logic and Morality stuttered simultaneously. Anxiety looked puzzled. Morality had his hands covering his mouth, not trusting himself to keep this secret. Suddenly, He had a plan.

"Hey guys, come here!" Morality got up and walked over to the closet, opening it's door. "I just noticed something really weird about this closet. You have to come over here to see it!" Logic and Anxiety shared a look of confusion, but they got up and walked walked over to Morality anyway.

"I don't see anything weird." Anxiety said.

"Neither do I. What's this about, Morality?" Logic questioned. Morality just smiled and shoved the two traits into the closet, locking the door behind them. "Hey! Let us out!"

"Not until you tell Anxiety!" Morality giggled.

"What?" Anxiety, confused, looked to Logic, who was blushing furiously. "Is this about what you guys were saying before I woke up?"

"Yes." Logic replied, focusing his attention on the trait who locked them in the closet. "Let us out, or I'll bang on the door and yell until Roman wakes up! He'll let us out!"

"No he won't; I'll even wake him up for you!" Morality shook the sleeping trait awake.

"Good morning." Princey yawned sleepily.

"Roman! Morality locked Anxiety and I in the closet. Can you let us out?" Logic explained upon hearing the majestic trait's voice.

"Wait!" Morality interjected. He whispered what Logic had told him earlier and his plan into Princey's ear.

"Ohh. Sorry Logan, but I cannot let you out. I'm sure you understand." Princey explained, hurrying upstairs to avoid more protesting from Logic. Morality stayed downstairs, ear pressed against the closet door so he could hear Logic and Anxiety's voices.

"Ugh. You can't make me tell him!" Logic banged his fists against the door.

"Sorry, Logan." Anxiety sighed, sitting against the back wall of the closet, knees pulled up to his chest. "But is this really that bad? I mean, I'd rather be stuck in here with you than either of the others."

"Yes, it is that bad." Logic growled.

"Oh." Anxiety put his head down onto his knees. "I get it. I hate me too." He mumbled to himself, but Logic overheard his comment.

"Anxiety I-" he sat down next to the darker trait. "I would never hate you."

"Sorry, I know. I just overreact all the time, When people compliment me I think they're joking or something, and when someone say something even remotely mean, I always assume they hate me. I can't help it." Anxiety started to cry a little.

Logic put his arm around the sad trait. "You have kind of the same problem as me, except the opposite way around. You have too much emotion, to the point where you can barely handle it. I don't have enough, to the point where I can't tell what others are feeling, let alone myself."

"So you actually do have feelings?" Anxiety laughed through his tears.

"Yes, but I've made the mistake of confiding in Morality to figure out what they are, and as always, he's taken things a little too far." Logic chuckled.

"Hey, rude!" Morality exclaimed from the other side of the closet door.

"You're listening to our conversation?!" Anxiety asked.

"Duh!" Morality replied. "How else would I be able to know when Logic tells you he loves you?"

"What?" Anxiety looked over to Logic, whose face was bright red.

"Oops. Sorry, Logan." Morality said. Anxiety was still looking to Logic for a denial of some sort. "I'm just gonna go ahead and let you guys out now." He unlocked the door and opened it. Logic got up and started walking toward the stairs.

"Wait!" Anxiety grabbed Logic's arm. He turned around. Anxiety hesitated for a moment, before leaning forward and smashing his lips into Logic's. The smarter trait blushed, shocked, and then kissed him back. "I- I love you too" Anxiety mumbled, pulling away. Morality stared at the two traits, squealing.

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