Aren't We Supposed To Fight? (Prinxiety)

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This one shot was kinda inspired by the song I Miss The Misery by Halestorm and the fact that if Prinxiety ever actually did get together, it would probably end up like this. They argue too much.

Warning: abusive relationship/ swearing

Anxiety and Princey were fighting again; the shouting was so loud that it woke both Logic and Morality up.

"It's 3am, I'm trying to sleep! You two, stop fighting and go to bed!" Logan shouted from the top of the stairs.

They were in the living room, where Roman had Virgil backed into a corner, pushing and kicking him. It had been going on for so long, neither of the two sides knew what the fight was even about anymore.

"Fine." Princey pulled his boyfriend to his feet before punching him across the face one more time as hard as he could. Then he stalked back up to his room.

"Dick." Anxiety spat, a little blood coming out of his mouth, before following Roman up the stairs and heading to his own room.

"Thank you." Logan sighed. "I don't know why you two are together, all you do is fight." He was answered by Princey and Anxiety's doors slamming. He was about to go back into his own room when he saw Patton.

"I'm gonna try to talk some sense into them." The fatherly trait stated, trying not to show how nervous he was.

"You know that won't work." Logic warned.

"I have to try." Patton sighed. "I can't stand to see them do what they do to each other."

"Be careful." Logic knew he couldn't change Morality's mind.

"I will." Patton walked over to Princey's room first. "Hey buddy, can I come in?" The door opened.

"What do you want?" Roman sat down on the bed, still pretty angry.

"Your relationship with Anxiety is really unhealthy... I don't want either of you get hurt anymore."

"I know. An is so annoying and awful, and I hate him, and I just want to strangle him, but... I love him. And honestly, I love the rush I get from the fights when he fights back. I know that doesn't really make sense, and I know it's not good when we're together, but I need him. There's no way I would break up with my Virgil, okay?"

"You obviously need help, Roman." Patton cautiously stated. "Maybe if you two take a break, you can have some alone time, then come back and try to work everything out and eventually, if things get better, you can get back together again."

"No." Princey growled. "Get out of my room."

"Okay." Morality held his hands up in surrender. He walked out the door, closing it behind him.

"Any luck?" Logic asked, leaning against the door to his own room.

Patton shook his head. "I'm gonna try to talk to Anxiety. Maybe he'll be more reasonable."

"Good luck." The smarter trait smiled sadly.

"Thanks." Morality walked over to Virgil's room. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Sure." The darker trait opened the door and led Patton into his room. "This is about Princey and I, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Listen; you aren't in a healthy relationship. I just don't want either of you to get hurt."

"I know."

"Then trust me, it's best if you two stay away from each other for a while."

"I-I'll think about it." He laid down on his bed, signaling that the conversation was over. Morality wasn't completely satisfied with what Anxiety said, but it was better than Roman's reaction, so he walked out and went back to his own room.

Virgil sat in silence for a minute before Princey came into his room and sat down next to him.

"Hey, honey... I'm sorry. You know how I get sometimes. You make me so mad; I can't control it, but I love you. I swear I'll try not to to hurt you again, okay?" Roman had brought with him a damp washcloth, and started wiping away Anxiety's blood.

Tears started falling from Virgil's eyes. "But you will."


"You will hurt me again. You always do. It doesn't seem like you love me, and I don't care if you do! I don't want to see you anymore, okay?! I can't be in this relationship; it'll tear us apart; It could even tear Thomas apart! I am done playing your fucking games!"

Roman coldly stared at him before walking out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Anxiety couldn't tell if he was angry, sad, or just didn't give a shit.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Virgil couldn't help himself. He had been getting better; his scars were fading, and he had gone a week without seeing Roman. But he still needed him. People could change and treat each other better. Princey could change. He knew somewhere deep inside though, that he didn't just miss the royal trait, and he didn't really want Princey to change. As much as he tried to deny it, he missed the screaming and fighting. He missed having a way to let out all his anger and sadness. Anxiety turned around and knocked on the royal trait's door.

"Virgil?" Princey asked.

Everything came rushing out of Anxiety's mouth at once. "I'msosorryI'llneverleaveyouagainIloveyousomuchpleasetakemebackImissyouRoman."

"Hey, its okay." Princey pulled him into a hug. "I love you too." And everything was fine for a little while, but nothing lasts forever.

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