How The Fuck Do You Fuck In A Ferriswheel (Analogical)

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As you can probably tell, there will be swearing in this one. And also very slight smut. This is kinda a human au I guess. And I made Anxiety's name Angel again bc I'm trash and will defend that headcanon with my life.

Anxiety, Logic, Morality, and Princey got to the carnival pretty late. It was starting to get dark out, but all the food trucks, the carousel, a few kiddie rides, and the Ferris wheel were still open.

"So, what do you guys want to do?" Logic asked.

"I'm gonna get tickets! Me and Roman are going on the carousel!" Morality dragged Princey over to the ticket booth.

"You mean Roman and I." Logic corrected before turning towards Anxiety. "We should get tickets too. What do you want to ride?"

Anxiety fought the urge to say "you". Instead he responded with "The Ferris wheel looks pretty fun." Anxiety started picturing going on the Ferris wheel with Logic, holding hands and kissing when they reached the top.

"But... it's so high up! And it could fall apart any second!" Logic protested. "You know it was set up in only one day! It's not safe."

Anxiety had already thought of all of this. "Come on. Since when are you the scaredy-cat!" He bought the tickets, and then dragged Logic on to the Ferris wheel. "See? This isn't so bad." Anxiety stated once they had started moving.

"This isn't so bad?" Logic asked. "We could die!"

Anxiety laughed. "Yeah. We could fall out, the Ferris wheel could break off its hinges and roll away, it could suddenly break and start spinning really really fast and fling us off, or-" He would have continued, but he saw how scared Logic was. The trait was wide eyed and shaking. "Hey, it's ok." Anxiety tried to comfort him. "Logan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you scared." He grabbed Logic's hand.

Logic stuttered, still breathing heavily. "I-It's not your f-fault, Angel."

"It kinda is." Anxiety replied. "I dragged you on here."

"Well, I'm on here now, nothing either of us can do about that." Logic sighed, starting to calm down. He leaned his head against Anxiety's shoulder. Angel let go of Logic's hand and instead wrapped his arm around the smarter trait.

Anxiety decided that maybe a funny story would make Logic feel better. "You know, one time I read this fanfic where two people were fucking on a Ferris wheel."

Logic chuckled a bit. "How the fuck do you fuck on a Ferris wheel?"

"Wanna find out?" Anxiety joked.

"No! This thing would start shaking and it could break or something." Logic sputtered, pushing away from the darker trait.

"I was joking." Anxiety explained.

"Oh." Logic sighed.

"You sound disappointed." Anxiety teased, blushing.

"What! N-no I don't!" Logic tried to cover it up.

"Well, we can't have actual sex on this thing, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun." Anxiety shrugged.

Logic gulped. "What kind of fun?"

"I was thinking something like this." Anxiety removed his arm from around Logic's shoulders and put his hand on the smarter trait's thigh. He started to lean in towards Logan while moving his hand upwards. Logic closed the distance between them, kissing Anxiety. As Angel's hand got closer to his crotch, he started to tense up.

Logic pulled away. "I-I can't do this."

"I should've asked if you wanted to first. I'm sorry, Logan." Anxiety took his hand off of Logic's thigh.

"No, it's not your fault!" Logic replied. "I'm just- scared this thing will break." He started blushing. "C-Can we get back to what we were doing later? When we're safe at home?"

"Yeah! We'll do it later." Angel smiled, nodding. He looked down from the top of the Ferris wheel and realized that Princey and Morality's carousel ride had finished. They were standing on the ground staring up at Anxiety and Logic and holding hands.

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