The Opera (Logicality)

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This is kinda a human au one, so the sides are actual people in the real world in this. This is lowkey based on a true story (except for a few parts near the end and the ending). Also, I just realized that I've never actually written a Logicality one shot (oops) so I'm making up for that with this.

ALSO, in my other story Scattered Thoughts I have a new part that's a short story/memoir/essay thingy and I feel like the song When by Dodie goes really well with it so if you like her go read it.


This was the first time Patton had ever been in an opera. It was Die Fledermaus, and his friend and singing instructor, Roman, was playing one of the leads and had talked with the directors of the production and convinced them to let Patton be in the chorus. When he started rehearsals, Patton had immediately spotted a very attractive-looking guy who was also in the chorus. When everyone had gone around introducing themselves to the rest of the chorus, he had learned that this guy's name was Logan.

It was now the second week of rehearsals. Patton walked in and sat down, far enough away from Logan so that he could stare at him without being noticed, but close enough so it didn't seem like he was purposely avoiding him or anything.

"I'm sorry if you've just sat down, but the first thing we're going to be doing today is rehearsing the ballroom dance scene. Please pick up your chair and move it to the edge of the stage so no one trips over it." The director, Thomas, said. "Everyone should also find a partner. There's not an even number of boys and girls, so some of you are going to have to dance with someone of the same sex."

Patton hoped he would get to dance with Logan. He made sure to stand near him while people were picking partners, and when most people had decided who they would dance with, he said to Logan, "I guess we can be partners." A guy who was standing a little bit away, who Patton was pretty sure was named Virgil and had talked to Logan at other rehearsals, looked disappointed when Patton said that and turned away to find a different partner.

The director showed them how to ballroom dance. Patton didn't quite understand how the dance worked, as he had never danced before, but he didn't want to bother the director by asking him to show it again. He figured that he would could just learn how to do it along the way.

Logan turned toward Patton and held his hand, while guiding his other hand to his waist. Patton couldn't stop blushing.

"Would you like to lead, or should I?" Logan asked.

"Um... I will." Patton decided.

"Okay!" Thomas interrupted. "I'm going to play the music for this song. Sing your part, and then during the musical break, start dancing in a circle around the edges of the stage. You should end up in the same spot you started in time to stop and sing the rest of the song. Ok, go!"

The song started. The partners stood next to each other, singing their parts in the song. The instrumental part came on, and everyone started dancing. Patton kept tripping over his and Logan's feet and going off of the rhythm.

"Here." Logan interrupted. His voice was calm and confident, like he had done this thousands of times before. He stepped forward. "One." Then backwards on the other foot, and then brought the first foot back to be even with his second foot. "Two. Three." He repeated it, and Patton tried to follow along, while he kept repeating "One two three, one two three." to the beat of the song.

After a few times rehearsing that scene, Logan started to make clicking sounds with his mouth instead of counting. Patton guessed that he thought he had started getting the hang of it more, and didn't need the counting anymore.

Thomas then got everyone's attention, and told the girls to go with one of the leads of the show to pick out their costumes. He told the boys to go with him to a different room to try on costumes.

"A few of you can try on outfits that we have, and all of you can use the accessories, but some of you are going to have to bring your own fancy clothes for the shows. We don't have enough tuxes for everyone."

The guys all tried on accessories and costumes. Logan was standing on the other end of the costume rack to try on things. For the first few things Patton tried, he was near the front of the room.

"Patton, why don't you go over there next to Logan?" Thomas asked.

Patton went over to stand near Logan to try on the rest of the costume stuff he picked out. He started wondering why Thomas had told him to move over to where Logan was. Patton remembered a few times that Thomas had looked at them weirdly, almost like he was excited about something. Did the director of the opera they were in ship Patton and Logan?

When Patton went home that night, all he could do was practice ballroom dancing. He counted "one two three, one two three." And he imagined dancing with Logan more. He remembered something that Thomas had said earlier that day about how this was acting, so you could go as far as you wanted with your partner during the party scene, as long as it was appropriate for the stage and both of you were okay with it. Patton doubted it, but he wished that during one of the shows while they were dancing that Logan would ask to kiss him.

It was the last show and Patton was sitting in the green room waiting for when it was time for the chorus to go onstage. He was doodling and writing quotes in his notebook, and sometimes sneaking glances over at Logan.

Logan was also doing something in a notebook, but Patton couldn't tell at first if he was writing or drawing. He would stop at random moments and stare into space moving his other hand around like he was playing piano, and then go back to writing in the notebook. Patton figured he was composing music or something.

Logan got up after a little while and walked over to the actual piano in the green room. He sat down, placing his notebook on the stand. He started playing. Patton stopped what he was doing and just listened to the song Logan was writing.

The other people in the chorus of the opera started leaving to go closer to the stage because it was almost time for them to go on. Patton got up to leave but saw that Logan was still putting his notebook back in his bag. He stood at the door waiting for him. Logan got up and quickly walked over to Patton.

"Thanks for waiting for me."

"You're welcome."

They walked in silence up to the stage. The rest of the chorus must've underestimated how much time it would take for it to be time for them to go on, because there was still half a song left until the party scene. Logan and Patton stood next to each other, waiting for when it was time to go on stage. Patton's hand was touching Logan's, but neither of them moved away. Logan intertwined his fingers with Patton's and both of them started blushing furiously.

When it was time to go on stage they both went on and started talking. They were allowed to talk, to make it seem like a party atmosphere, as long as the audience could still clearly hear what the main characters were saying over it.

Then it was time for the dancing.

"One two three one two three." Logan whispered to the beat.

"You're adorable."



Logan ended up not kissing Patton, but there were two more shows left, and Patton still had hope. Patton caught up to Logan as he was about to leave at the end of the show.



"Um, can I have your number?" Patton nervously asked. "We're kinda friends now, so we should keep in touch, right?"

"Of course." Logan got out his notebook, tore a neat little rectangle of paper out of it, wrote down his number, and handed it over.

Logan put his notebook back and started to walk out the door.

"See you at the next show!" Patton blushed as he watched him leave.

"Text me." Logan said over his shoulder, loud enough that Patton could hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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