I'm No Angel (Moxiety)

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This one shot is very low-key Moxiety, I wasn't even planning on doing any ship for this one but it just sort of happened near the end (and there's also a tiny bit of Prinxiety) btw guys, I have another story for one shots that aren't Thomas Sanders related. Honestly I'm gonna be pissed if Anxiety's name is revealed later and it isn't Angel. Anyway, this is in honor of Morality's name reveal!


Anxiety's POV:

Logic's name is Logan, and Princey's name is Roman. Morality and I also have names, obviously, but no one knows them yet. Not even Thomas, and we're all in his mind. He's recording a new video now, and I think Morality's going to reveal his name. I hope not, because then everyone will start pressuring me to reveal my name, and there is no way in hell I'm doing that.

"My name's Patten." I knew he would reveal it. Crap. My name, Angel, is literally the worst possible thing I could've been named. It's completely the opposite of what I am.

"Now I know all of your names except Anxiety's." Thomas smiled. Everyone turned to stare at me.

"Yeah, what is your name? I don't think any of us know it." Roman asked. The others nodded, confirming that they never found out my name and that they wanted to.

"I'm not telling you my name." I replied simply, trying not to sound nervous and hoping they wouldn't try to pry it out of me.

"Please? We've all done it, it's your turn." Roman replied.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell us yet if you're not ready." Patten tried to comfort me. "But we're all a little curious." Well, that didn't help at all. I already know you're curious. It doesn't make me want to tell you anymore than it would if you weren't curious. Idiot.

"Can I please go back to my room now? I'll tell you guys some other time." I stated. I fully intended on "forgetting" about that second part.

"Well, we already learned Morality's name today, so yeah, you can leave. You can tell us your name in the next video." Thomas agreed. Thank god I don't have to deal with this anymore right now.

"Thanks, bye." I sank down back into Thomas's mind and went into my room, locking the door behind me.

That night I had really bad dreams about the other traits finding out my name and mocking me, saying that Angel was the worst possible name I could have considering my personality, that I'd never live up to my name, and that the only angel I'll ever resemble is Lucifer. All things I've told myself before, but it still stung.

When I woke up I couldn't stop shaking. What if I had been talking in my sleep and they heard? What if they're waiting for me to come out of my room so they can all get to laugh at me? I started rocking back and forth, thinking of all the horrible things they would say if they found out. My breathing got shallower, and I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Anxiety! What are you doing to Thomas?" Roman yelled up the stairs. "Is this some sort of revenge for wanting to know your name?! That's petty, even for you." Oh no. I had forgotten that whenever I had a panic attack, Thomas had one too. Roman's comment had made me start to freak out even more. I needed to calm myself down as quickly as possible.

I forced myself to take deeper breaths so I could actually do something about this. I looked around my room. What calms me down? I quickly got up and grabbed my guitar from the corner. I could write a song! I started strumming chords and humming along. I didn't even realize when I started making up lyrics to go along with it.

"Nobody knows my name/ and that's the way it should be/ if somebody found out/ all of them would end up laughing at me

I'm no Angel/ that's pretty apparent/ but I wish I could be, don't you see/ I'm trying my hardest"

I was too preoccupied with the song to hear my door open and Patten step inside.

"Is your name Angel?" He asked. I jumped a little when he said that and quickly put my guitar back in the case.

"Um..." was all I could reply. I started freaking out again. What would he say about it?

"Hey, it's ok!" He tried to calm me down again. "I heard your song, and I'm not gonna laugh at you. Come here." He pulled me into a hug. My breathing slowed back to normal and I started crying. "Shhhh. I like your name, Angel! I think it's cute!"

"Really?" I pulled away from him, not crying as much.

"Really." Patten nodded. "If you think you want to tell the others your name, I'll be there for you, ok? I'll stand up for you if they laugh."

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. We then decided to reveal my name in the next video by him just casually using it instead of Anxiety.

A few days later...

Thomas was making another Sanders Sides video. Time for my name reveal.

"Hey, Angel!" Patten greeted me as soon as I popped up in the video.

"Hey." I replied, hoping nobody noticed that he used my name, but of course they did.

"Your name is Angel?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah" I mumbled, looking down at the floor and then over to Patten. He was giving me a thumbs up, which almost made me laugh.

"How did Patten know your name before the rest of us?" Roman questioned, seeming a little jealous.

"He was scared you guys would laugh at him!" Patten said, defending me. Sure, I love Patten, but jeez, have some subtlety! I don't want everyone knowing that! They'd just laugh at me more!

"I understand why you would think Roman would laugh at you, but the rest of us?" Logan asked.

"Hey!" Princey yelled, offended. "I represent that statement!"

"You mean resent?" Logan chuckled. "And I thought Patten was the only one who needed a vocabulary lesson."

I chuckled along with him. "You mean, none of you think I don't deserve the name Angel?"

I heard "of course not", "that name suits you", and "it's a little strange, but I like it." Everyone was talking at the same time so I couldn't figure out who said what. After all, we all have the same voice. Well, I guess that whole situation didn't go half as horribly as I'd expected.

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