The Red Princess

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"Mikoto I know you are busy but we really need to get something done. We both know Reisi and his little princess won't do anything." I say
"Masumi we both know you just hate rens sister because I am dating her."
"That is not true  Kimi just gets on my nerves. Izumo please tell him we need to do something."
"She's right mikoto." Izumo says
"You only agree with her because you looooovvveee her." Mikoto say and I blush and so does Izumo
Then yata brusts through the door.
"Come on I have a lead it's at this building let's go."
"Finally some action race you boys there let's go yata."
I hop on my motorcycle and met up with yata and Hekima who btw is fushimi's sister.
"You two go in first I am going in after you."
"Ok." They skateboard into the building.
"Finally the rest of you arrived I was thinking that I would have to go by myself."
"Sorry love should we head over. "
"Yep let's go."
We head over and we finished our "meeting" and now we were heading out when we ran into trouble.
"Ladys and Gettleman scepter four is in the building."
"Kimi you ready to fight me finally."
"Always been my dream." She replyed
"Girls stop fighting I don't need this in my life." Mikoto says and yet I jump down and the guys followed behind me.
"NO BLOOD NO BONE NO ASH." Then we all began to glow.
"Izumo I need you to promise to protect Masumi no matter what I do next."
"Anything for her Mikoto you know I love her anything."
"Thank you old friend."
Then we all disappear except Mikoto
"You got me I surrender to you completely."Mikoto say.
"NOOOOOO!!" I tell but Izumo holds me back.
"I love you Masumi. Go be the princess they need and I wi'll be back in no time watch Anna for me."
"Always big bro then we left."
Time skip back to homra
"How could he do this i am not a ruler in anyway."
"You wanted stuff to get done then do it. I know you of all people can do it cause your am amazing young lady who has grown up so much since I met you all those years ago." Izumo says and gives me a smile not a smirk  an actual smile
"You should smile more your cute when you do." I say with a smile and then the unthinkable happened.
He kissed me and I kissed back.
"Thanks for the kiss my princess. Literally and figuratively."
And with  that we both laugh.
"What are you two laughing at"
"Izumo is trying to be cute."
I feel him wrap his arms around my waist.
"I think I might have fallen for you." He says.
"I think I have too my knight in shining armor."
"I will always be there to save my princess."
"You did talk to Mikoto about us dating correct."
"I mentioned it but never truly talked about it."
"Damn Izumo." I roll my eyes. And kiss him again.

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