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It's been nine months  since the wedding and Lisa hasn't started anything it looks like she is looking  for the silver king.
"Hey babe can you watch Rose while I take a walk." Rose is mine and izumo's baby girl he loves her so much.
"Of course be careful or at less take Mikoto with you please."
"Ok." I start to walk and see mikoto thinking.
"Hey big bro what you thinking about."
"Why hasn't Lisa attacked. She has waited for after Rose was born and so you can fight but why."
"Honestly I think she wants to kill me. And I think I figured out what's wrong with Reisi."
"Other than he is dating her."
"The colorless king can control people. She hasn't attacked cause we are in our territory. She won't attack until one of us attack first."
"Honestly I have never liked her."
"We have to be ready for anything." I say walking toward the door.
"You're leaving where."
"I need a walk Mikoto I am married and have a kid I am walk by myself."
I left and started to walk around I didn't see anything wrong with the sector. Then I decided to go over and sit down at the park.
"I heard our problem with the colorless is back." The silver king says.
"Yeah but this one is personal. I thought I killed her when I was 16."
"I heard. She is getting restless meaning attacking soon."
"Meaning Rose isn't safe."
"My daughter. You missed alot kid and Lisa is just one of the past problems."
"I heard. You "died" and the green clan magically disappeared."
"Yeah. I should get home."
I was walking home when I see so boys running toward me.
"What's wrong."
"They have attacked. Izumo and Rose is fine but Mikoto is injured pretty bad. He is at the closes hospital."
"Ok I want 2 guys on him and my baby at all times Monkey, Blue, Yata, Hekima, and Izumo on me we have a queen to kill."
"You mean we are actually going to war."
"Yep i need to make a call."
I walk over to make a call.
"Hey please tell me you will be ok with helping me kill this colorless queen."
"She hurt Mikoto. Please."
He was in and I left to deal with my timy group.
"Masumi i can't help you my leg hurts let me protect Rose and Mikoto." Izumo says.
"Ok I love you so much just know if I do anything it is for you two."
"Don't say that I can't lose you again please." I started to walk away when I turned around and kissed him.
I know there is a chance I won't come back with fighting both Reisi and Lisa.
"Monkey you are on van Hekima and Yata you're on getting me in Kimi you and me have Reisi and Lisa."
They all nod.
"Masumi thank you for being our queen."
"Thank you for being my clansmen." We hug it out.
"Now let's get some revenge."
We were running up the stairs when Kimi stopped me.
"Masumi you have a family to get back to use the serum the silver king gave you for Reisi on him and leave. I will deal with Lisa."
"Why would you do that for me I was horrible to you for a stupid grudge."
"Because you're practically my sister."
"I love you to sis."
We hugged and entered the main room.
"Masumi about time you got here and Kimi do you want my puppet back."
"Why else would we be here for you hurt Mikoto. Wrong move."
"Well let's fight."
I run to Reisi and use the serum and see if it work and it did Reisi fell. But lisa runs at me and bashes my head into the wall
"Now Lisa as the Blue Queen I order you to Surrender and subject to me."
"How are you the blue queen."
"Cause the serum switches power to the second in command." I cough out it hurts.
Kimi got a hold of her and locked her up but I fall coughing out blood.
"Masumi hold on."
I black out.
Izumo's pov
It's been four hours and no word on what happened to Lisa Reisi and my Masumi.
"We have a code Red in the bay all surgeons on point." I heard on the loud speaker.
"Izumo whats going on." Mikoto says
"Short version we are in war and I need you to watch Rose."
"Ok." He grabs Rose and I run down to the ER
I see Kimi, Reisi, yata, Hekima, and Fushmi in the lobby.
"Izumo she was hit really hard in the head. It was Lisa she slammed her head  into the wall. Lisa is neutralized."
"How is she? Why did they call code red."
"I don't know only family can see the doctor."
I walk over to the doctor.
"Hi I am Izumo Masumi's husband."
"Hi sir your wife is fine the code red wasn't for her she had gash on her right eyebrow and a minor cut inside her we fixed it and she should be in the same room as her brother."
"Thank you sir."
I walked back to the room go see my family sleeping together and Mikoto still awake.
"Our family is strong I'll say that." We laugh

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