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The Prophecy of the three queens
When 3 queens come to rule. Of the 2nd 3rd and 4th clans. A new king will rise. And one queen will forget the one she loves most and every part of it.
Izumo's pov.
I was at work the kids were with me. I thought Masumi would be here by now. Then my phone rings.
"I am sorry Izumo." Someone sounding like Tatara says and i question what happened. Then i hang up.
"Izumo who was it." Kimi says.
"I dont know. Thanks for helping take care of the kids. I dont know where my wife is."
Then my phone rings and it is Mikoto.
"Hey where is your sister."
"That is actually why I am calling. She is acting weird. Like happy weird. I dont know why. It's like when we were kids and she would be happy singing in the band."
"Any chance that crazy prophecy is right. I just got a call by someone sounding like Tatara."
"That is weird but the only want to check."
"The sword. She wouldn't be queen anymore." I say worryingly. I can't be king.
"It's me." He says sounding disappointed.
"Who did she forget about."
"Hey big bro who you talking to." She asked. She sounded so innocent.
"Iz-a-who?" She said and i dropped my phone.
"Izumo." Everyone looks at me.
"She forgot about me."
Masumi's pov
"Hey big brother whats wrong."
"You really don't remember."
"Remember what. I remember becoming a bounty hunter. Where as you are king. With Kimi as queen." Then Kimi runs in.
"Why her she was just having the life?" Then Mai and Ezio came in.
"So she doesn't remember him and the kids at all."
"Who that one big bro was talking to."
"Yeah. Come on Masumi.You need to remember." Kimi says shaking me.
"Sorry but i am supposed to go met Celty and Shizuo we are getting close to finding her head." I smile and everyone looks at me weirdly.
I go into my room.
My hair will not do.

I dyed it black to try something new

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I dyed it black to try something new. Then i left outside on my motorcycle.
Looking back at the house feeling something missing.
Izumo pov a little later.
"What are we going to do."
"Well she isn't the queen so we can't just force her to come back."
"You could always try breaking the prophecy." Tatara says behind us.
"Haha funny guys who is the one that made a hologram of Tatara." Yata says.
"No one did. I am the new king the three brought back." I run over to him and hug him as does Mikoto.
"I feel bad about Masumi she doesn't remember you at all?"
"Not our wedding or our children."
"Ohhh you guys had kids."
"Yeah my daughter who is 2. Her name is Rose Amelia Kusanagi. And my son Tatara Mikoto Kusanagi." Showing my daughter with blonde hair and son with red hair like my wife.
"They are so cute."
"Now back to breaking the prophecy. Would it kill you."
"It shouldn't since i am stepping down as sliver king." The sliver king says.
"Are you serious."
"We need the queen back. She was doing so well and i consider her a friend."
"how to break it tho."
"She just needs to have memory flash backs."
"What is one moment that she holds dear."
"When I proposed to her."
"Didn't you sing."
"Yeah. I miss her. "
"She is with Shizuo."
"Damn who knows what will happen."
"I will get her back you just get this place ready."
"Yes Mikoto." We all nod.
Masumi's pov
Why are you here you took today off to be with Izumo
"Celty I dont know an Izumo. Why do people keep saying his name."
"She really doesn't remember her husband." Shizuo says to someone on the phone.
"Yeah Kimi she is here. We are going to get food have Mikoto meet me at the restaurants."
"Izaya what is Shizuo talking about."
"You really don't remember anything."
"What am I supposed to remember."
"Do you remember how you got that scar." I look at the scar on my stomach.
I look down to see I was the one shot.
"Masumi!!"Everyone yelled and Izumo runs to me
"Stay with me Masumi."
"I love you Izumo."
"I love you too."
Then I black out.
What the hell was that. I dont know anyone named Izumo but why would I tell him that I love him then.
"Hey little sis we need to go home."
"Why tho i haven't even started working yet."
"We will handle it. Just go." Shizuo says.
"Okay." We go to the bar. Why is it so familiar.
"Still nothing."
"Nope." I say popping the P.
We walked inside and i saw the boys.
"Hello boys what is going on. We aren't having a party are we." I look confused.
"Sit down and shut up." Mikoto tells me.

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