unbelievable events

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I wake up early before everyone and decided to go for a walk when a random guy comes up to me and gives me a letter.

It read
Ok Red Queen let's finish what we started come alone. Oh and lets make this interesting you need to fake your death or your lover boy will die hope to see you soon.
Love your friends in the green clan.
This would have to be unforgettable so I call someone to help me.
"Kimi I need your help. Come to the park asap." Then I hang up.
Ten minutes later she shows up.
"Kimi I need you to help. I need you to help me kill myself."
"What? Why?"
I show her the letter
"You don't have to we can protect you."
"No this is something I have to do."
"Ok since I know you won't change your mind. How about you jump off of the scepter four building."
"Sounds good."
"Will I am going to miss you."
"I will be back in no time after I dye my hair."
"I know you will. Who is becoming king."
"I gave it back to Mikoto when I die. Izumo wouldnt be able to live with being king after knowing I'm dead."I try to smile but I can't.
"When is this taking place."
"Tonight. I will jump land on the building next to yours but we are going to need a person who looks like me."
"We have one in the morgue we have faked made of everyone."
"Ok see you in a few hours."
Time skip.
I left Izumo a note saying I love him and I transferred all my money into an account of a person named Penny she has brown hair and looks like me.
It was time and it was time to put on a good show.
I call Kimi.
"Hey where are you."
"Look up. I am sorry I will miss all of you but this the only solution good bye kimi."
I see that yata was there so Kimi pushes him down and then goes to my fake body.
Then I disappeared.
Kimi's pov
"Someone call 911." Yata says
"It's to late she's gone." I say crying
"Call Mikoto I will call Izumo." Yata says
I call Mikoto.
"Hey babe what's up."
"Mikoto are you sitting down?"
"No I am walking to scepter four why."
"Cause something happened to Masumi. She jumped off of the scepter four building."
"Noooo she couldn't have I just saw her like 30 minutes ago. Then again she was crying. I will be there in a minute literally."
I look at yata who is barely holding it together. When I notice a very upset Izumo next to him.
"Izumo." I look at him.
"I don't know."
"No she called you right before she jumped what did she say."Yata screams.
I start to cry.
"She said that this was the only solution." Mikoto is now behind me." I'm sorry I couldn't save her I don't know what happened but something happened there has to be a reason and I will find it." I continue
Mikoto is barely hanging on to know his baby sister is death must hurt.
Izumo can't say anything.
Yata looks around.
And I was the one lying to them.
Time skip 3 year the greens are taken care of and Masumi can finally come home
Masumi's pov
I can't believe it has taken me 3 years to get rid of those dang greens.
Now I can't just walk into the bar although the boys won't recognize me.
But first to tell Mikoto Kimi told me they were taking a walk in the park.
I hid behind Mikoto and my favorite tree.
"So do you still miss her." Kimi says
"I will always miss her now can I know why we are taking a walk."
"Well I have a surpise."
I walk out from behind the tree.
"Masumi." Mikoto was crying.
"Hey big bro."
"You died it's been 3 years what why."
"I have to finish so green people."
"Makes sense have you told anyone else."
"Well your lover is going to your grave."
Then I walked away to my grave to see Izumo already there.
"Can I have one more miracle and you stop being dead. Please I can't live without you anymore."
"Be careful what you wish for." I say and he turns around and looks at me.
"Now I am seeing things great."
I walk over to him and kiss him. It takes him a minute but he kisses back.
"It was all staged the greens threatened to kill you."
"You could have told me I would have helped you."
"I needed you to believe I was dead."
"I missed you."
"I know. Izumo I love you."
"I love you too."
Now to tell Mai and Ezio who btw have a baby girl named Aria Masumi.
They were in their backyard. Mai on her keyboard and Ezio on his guitar looking like they are having a tryout for my replacement.
"No one can replace her."
"I know but she wouldn't want us to give up on the band."
"Well let's start."
None of them were good so I knew they needed me.
Start music
I set out on a narrow way many years ago
Hoping I would find true love along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
(Yes He did)

I think about the years I spent just passing through
I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true.

Every long lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
(Yes He did)


Now I'm just rolling home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you.

"You!!" Ezio looks at me angrily
"You died we all we devastated. Does Izumo know mikoto?"
"Yep and Yep. I was heading to homra but you guys deserved to know. Now Ezio are you staying in the band with dad clothes on."
He looks at me with questions.
"How did you know about the baby."
"I am the all knowing Masumi."
"Do you want to meet her?" Mai ask
"Yes I really do."
"Why? Why did you leave us?" Ezio was crying
"I had to finish something I started I know I should have told you sooner but I didn't want them hurting anyone." I say start to cry and I feel arms around me I look up and see Ezio hugging me.
"I missed you."
"I missed all of you."
"Espeically a certain blond."
"You know me so well Mai." We walk inside and I see the baby girl.
"We didn't want anyone else to be her God mother so we always held the spot open for your spirit but now I guess we should ask you." Ezio stated
"I would be honored."
"Izumo is the God father. It's the closes we had to you." We all tear up.
"Come on knowing my fiance there is a party at horma calling my name."
They get into their car and I get on my motorcycle.
We walk in and nothing no Izumo no Mikoto just a note.
Come to the roof sweet cheeks.
I knew he would test me.
I walked up there to see every one I care about  waiting to see me.
"Miss me?" I say fighting the tears when I see Anna
"We all did you freaking nerd."
"Love you to bro."
I look at Anna and open up my arms for her to run into.
"I knew you weren't dead you're to smart for suicide." Anna whispers
"I am sorry to keep you waiting Anna. " I whisper back.
Then I hear clapping.
"Well isn't this touching" ???? Says

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