It's been how long?

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Then I hear a gun shot.
I look down to see I was the one shot.
"Masumi!!"Everyone yelled and Izumo runs to me
"Stay with me Masumi."
"I love you Izumo."
"I love you too."
Then I black out.
Time skip 4 months after the shooting
Izumo's pov
It's been four months and she still hasnt woken up. I am starting to think she is never going to wake up.
"Izumo go home and get some sleep we will stay with her." Mikoto says and Kimi nodding
"call me if she wakes up." I say looking at her. "please wake up for me I miss your voice, your smile, your beautiful eyes. Please wake up my beautiful fiance."
I kiss her on the forehead and then head back to the bar.
Mikotos pov.
"This is my fault if i didn't tell her about how you came to visit me you would have been with her and she wouldnt have gotten hurt." Kimi says with tears in her eyes. "I swear nothing I do makes her like me."
"Kimi it's not your fault that she is such a hot head. That would be me I shouldn't have gone to see you. i should have waited. I shouldn't have yelled at her." I was crying. "This is my fault. I am a horrible big brother. She doesn't deserve this if anyone should be in her place it should be me."
"Mikoto she knows you love her and she will wake up I promise." Kimi says and Anna walks in with a couple of the boys with flowers.
"Any change?" Yata says.
"Nope she is still sleeping."
"Hey where is izumo."
"He went to get some sleep. He hasn't gotten much sleep since the imcident."
"He is beating himself up to much about this."
"Yeah he is" I say.
"Ummmm Mikoto did she just move." I look at Masumi and notice her hand grabbed mine.
"Hey big bro why does it feel like I was hit  by a bus." Masumi says with a smile.
"You scared me so bad." I say kissing her forehead
"How long have I been out."
"Four months."
"Dang. Hey where Izumo?"
"At home let me call him."
"Can I call him" Masumi says
"Of course."
Masumis pov
I grab his phone and call Izumo
"Hey mikoto what's up."
"Well I'm not Mikoto but if you prefer to talk to him more than me I understand." I joke.
"Masumi I must be dreaming unless your actually awake."
"Why don't you get your handsome self to the hospital to find out."
"I am on my way now."
I hang up the phone.
"Hello Everybody."
anna walks over to me with tears in her eyes.
"Hey dont cry I am fine see you can see my pretty red." i say wiping away the tears.
"Nice to see you up Ms. Masumi" Yata says.
"Nice to see you boys too."
"Hello Red."
"Hey blue why are you here."
"You did a really brave thing and if you give me a chance I want to try and be your friend."
"We will see Blue we will see."
"Masumi!!" I heard yelled from down the hall. And I knew it was Izumo
"Hey to you to." He walks over  to me.
"Don't ever do that to me again." He says hugging me really hard.
"Ow." I say and start to cough.
"Are you okay?" Mikoto ask
"Yeah I'm fine." I lie
"Ok every one out let them have some privacy. I am going to call Ezio." they all left.
"What was that lying back there I saw it on you face what hurts."
"My stomach really bad."
"Want me to call the doctor."
"in a minute I want you to kiss me."
"As you wish my world."
"you mean queen."
"Nope world." I laugh when he says that and he leans down and kisses me.
"now for the doctor." I say.
He looks out and calls the doctor over to my room.
"Ahhhh Ms. Souh nice of you to join us so what hurt."
"My stomach hurts."
"let me see."
He looks at my stomach
"it's just the stitching it is very delicate to movement."
"When can she come home."
"Today actually. She is healing very well i just need to run one test and you guys can leave."
"I will be right  back love."
Izumo's pov
"So she can come home today so you guys want to have a party."
"Yeah we so should."
"I mean your guys queen is coming home."
"ok so I will stay with her until she can leave and then head to the bar."
"i will have Mai and Ezio meet us at the bar."
"Okay let's get it done."
Masumi's Pov
"hey the last test should be done in 10 want to go get something to eat."
"Depends did you bring me clothes?"
"Yes they are in the bag over there do you need help getting dress." I get up off the bed to get dress.
"Shut the door then get over here and help me please."
he does as I ask and then walks over to me.
"Hello gorgeous loving the scar."
"I thought I was hit with a bullet."
"you were but the had to do a 7 hour surgery to get the bullet out. You died twice." he was crying
"hey i am alive look at me." I look into his eyes and smile.
"i missed you so much."
"I heard no sleep for months."
"i got sleep here and there."
"You need sleep."
"I know. You needed to wake up earlier."
"oh how I wanted to I could stand you feeling lonely."
"Ahhhh you do love me.And I saw you being nice to Kimi."
"Thought it was time for a change I mean I am getting married to my high school crush."
"And you forgot about our fight."
"No I am still mad at you."
"Ok you are clear to go Ms. Souh." the doctor says.
"can't wait to see everybody."
"Oh they can't wait to see you."
to the bar.
"Surprise" I was in awww everyone Ezio and Mai were even there.
"Thanks guys."
"We are so glad you are ok."
"I am glad I'm ok too."
"Hey so want to tell Ezio and Mai."
"I mean they are the only two that don't know. Wait I forgot the blues don't know either."
"Well me and Masumi are engaged." Izumo says
everybody cheers.
"Masumi can I talk to you." Mikoto says
"sure." I walk with him outside
"You know I have to give you the big brother speech right."
"Yes get on with it."
"What you did was Reckless and you didn't care what happened. Did you even think about what they could have done to you. Or even worse."
"I am fine Mikoto and I know being queen I need to be more responsible. However I will always put the clan first."
"You didn't let me finish. However you are making a wonderful RED queen and you fit into this family of kings great. Reckless is our moto we live by." We both laugh.
"Well I should get to bed."
"Yeah who knows what will happen next. "

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