New problem

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Present time.
"You brought this upon yourself."I say putting Zach on his knees.
"I am so sorry Masumi please dont do this."
"Begging wont bring her back you bastard."
I cut off his head and felt the fire grow.
3 week earlier.
"Izumo I am going to go get Rose from school." I kissed him and left. When I got there they said she wasnt at school. I ran aroumd looking for her with help from Yata and Fushmi.
"Have either of you seen her."
"No ma'am." I walked into the alley way. Where I saw a little girl. I ran over there and saw my little girl dead in Hekima's arms.
"She had a letter in her hand."
This is what happens when you dont go with the plan Masumi we will take everything from you.
With love, Zach and Lisa
I was in tears.
"Yata call my husband. Hekima call my brother. Fushmi call your Queen."
I was holding her and took out my phone.
"Shizuo is busy but I am his partner how can I help you." A new girl says.
"Can you tell him that Masumi called."
"I will." I hung up
Then I saw Mikoto and Izumo run up followed by Mai and Kimi.
"She's dead." I say crying and Izumo bends down with me.
"Masumi." He looks at me.
"I will kill them. Nothing anyone will say will stop me." I hand him rose and I stand up.
Flames burn around me. As I walked away.
Then my phone rang and my fire died down.
"Hey Masumi you said to call."
"Rose is dead."
"Do you know who did it."
"Of course I do. Is the weapon stash still working "
"The one in your city of course."
"Good." I walked into my destination hanging up on him
Shizuos pov.
"Hey sorry Maddi but I have to go...." I say kissing my girlfriend/new partner.
"I know before she does something stupid."
"She lost her daughter."
"Shizuo you dont need to lie. I know you loved her. I mean who wouldnt."she says and I run to only run intI Celty.
"I know what happened lets go." She texted and I hopped onto her bike and we went.
Masumis pov.
And there it was the king killer.
I picked it up and felt it the means of my revenge.

I walked into the street and realized it was dark out

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I walked into the street and realized it was dark out.
I miss her.
And my son. So I went home leaving the sword in my car.
No one was home or at least I thought.
"Yes mai the boy asleep. Yes I know if Masumi is home call. How is Izumo." I notice the last part he put her on speaker
"He is destroyed. Rose isnt Masumi she is really dead."
"She wad only 7." Ezio shakes his head.
"Shizuo just got here. I got to go love you."
"Love You too." He says and I walk out.
"Omg Masumi. Thank God we thought you went out and got yourself killed."
"I am not dying until Zach and Lisa are."
"I am sorry for Rose."
"I need to see my son."
"I know you do." I walk into his room and see him sound asleep.
I can't let him die and then I felt someone grab me.
"Dont want the little prince to hear you correct." Lisa says
I turn around and remember.
"Hey Lisa No blood." I grab her wrist
"No bone." I start to flare up.
"No ash." My eyes flashes to pink.
And then it happened Lisa evaporated. And I cooled down. I ran over to my son and kissed him. Now for Zach.
I walked out and saw Mai and Shizuo.
"What was that bright light."
"Would you believe nightlight."
"Find lets talk about the fact you have the king killer in your car." Kimi says.
"She was in his room. Lets just say Lisa is no longer a problem." My eyes flash pink.
"No your powers are taking over again." Mikoto says grabing my wrist.
"Let go. " my oura blasted and I ran away. I am becoming unstable.
Izumos pov.
I walked into the house and saw the damage.
"Masumi?" I question
"Yeah." Mikoto says.
"Daddy's home. Is mommy and Rosy almost home."
"Buddy come here for a mintue." I pick him up and went outside.
"So Rose isn't coming back home."
"Why not."
"Remember that place that I told you mommy was at. Well she is there and she isn't coming back."
"She died." He was crying. And I started to cry.
"Yeah buddy she did."
"Why do people hate us first mommy now rose."
"I know buddy. But uncle Mikoto and I will bring mommy home okay."
"Okay Daddy." We went inside and saw Mikoto hugging Junior. His nickname since he is a tatara junior and Mikoto Junior now.
"So whats the plan."
"The plan went out the window after Masumi became unstable."
"We have to do something."
Masumi pov.
3 week ago 3 hours before present time.
It took me 3 weeks to find him but I did.
The colorless and purple clans are almost killed off. Except for the ones in this building. I fought my way through.
And then I was there and i killed him.
Present time.
"Masumi." Izumo says.
"I did it I revenged the baby I couldn't save "
"Rose loves you."
"No she didnt I was gone most of her life.  She loved you Izumo I come back and she dies. Our baby girl is dead. And what did I do nothing. I made enemies with Zach. I didnt kill Lisa. I let both of them live time after time." I was crying.
"You were a good person. Who has so much evil surrounding her."
"I am sorry I am sooo sooo sorry."
"Come on we have to go plan the funeral."
"Now Junior wanted to speak about his older sister." I look at him I haven't stopped crying since I became stable again.
"Every night my big sister told me a story. Mommy is a hero that saved the world. She would say. My mom is a queen and is a great queen. She is the light in my life and was the light of my sisters. She always said she wanted to be as pretty as her. Mom hasn't stopped crying but is still beautiful. I love my mom and my sister did to. Thank you." He says and sits down.
I hold my son and my husbands hand hoping that this was the end of the pain.
But every story deserves a happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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