White hot heat that made her vison blur

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I sigh as I get into bed. It's my sixteenth birthday and all I did today was thank god for another year and go to church.

No cake.

No love.

I can still hear the low murmuring of my parents praying downstairs.

I stare at my plain white walls trying to sleep but to no avail. Then I shift my body to stare at the Bible on my bedside table that I've read a grand total of 10 times.

I can recite this damn book word for word if you asked.

My friends at catholic school have amazing lives. They aren't bad influences. They don't do drugs if you don't count vaping. They got me into it. It smells so good. Sometimes we do it in the bathroom during art. It's the only freedom I have.

I reach for my bible and as soon as I grab I had to drop it as it was so hot. It started to sizzle on the carpet leaving an rectangle imprint on the spot it was burning.

I stare at the book in shock as it burns through the floor.

Tears quickly start falling and I do the only thing I know how to do.

I pray.

"Dear God,
I know I'm a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness.
I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died
for my sin and that you raised Him to life.
I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord,
from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will.
I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen."

I hear a growl as I finish my prayer. I look around the room and no one is here.

I stand up on the bed with my hands on the ceiling ready to hop over the Bible that had now burned through the carpet and left the carpet burning it self up creating a hole to the floor.


I jump off the bed and over the hole the heel of my foot touching the still burning carpet.


I collapse next to the hole and and cradle my foot. It has a huge burn leading up to my toes.

But the edge of the hole only touched my heel.

I notice the hole starting to spread closer to where I was siting. I start to drag my body closer to the door trying to keep my foot in the air.

I look back and the hole is burning faster. Approaching faster then ever. I start to crawl to the door and as soon as I reach it I push it and as soon as I cross the threshold the floor of my bedroom collapsed.

Leaving me hanging.

I look down at the pit of fire.


I try to pull myself up but the door slams and I fall.

Into the fire.

I scream as I fall.

Then it was peace. Silence.

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