For she is challenged by sin

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"Caleese, come here." Lucifer called me. I shake my head. "Leave me alone." I snarl at him.

"Little bitch, listen the fuck here. I am the devil. I will send your stupid god worshiping ass straight to the flames. Now bring your ass over here. You have three seconds." His face turned red with anger.

I shivered with fear as he started counting down. I slowly walked over to him. "Good girl."
He smiled.

"Now my darling I need you to get comfortable with being naked... especially around me." He said so casually as if he was talking about what he was going to eat for lunch.

My lips started to quiver and my eyes started to sting.

"Come on, Caleese the sooner you give in the better these 10 years can be." He purred.

I sucked in a deep breath of integrity and shook my head at the devil.

He then wrapped me in his arms and slid his hands all over my body. First my stomach, then my breast, then my privates.

"Give in to me Caleese. Give in." He purred in my ear then licked my ear lobe. A new sensation flowed through my lower stomach.

I shivered. I placed my hands on his forearms and ripped them off of me.

"If you want to take away my innocence so bad why don't you just do it huh? Aren't you the devil?" I yelled at him.

"Because then it would be harder for you to fall in love with me, my dear." He smirked.

"Lucy would you leave that poor girl alone! You old hag." A female voice sounded. I jumped out of my bones.

She beautiful! She has caramel colored skin that shimmered in even this dark lighting,
red curly hair and her curves were so perfect they could make any woman jealous. Her face was flawless with not even an acne scar and her whole demeanor screamed 'come at me.'

"Fuck, Topaz! You cockblock." Lucifer screamed.

"Ha, she wasn't giving up no time soon." Topaz laughed until she saw me.

"The fuck are you wearing? White? Oh no honey we're going shopping." She snapped her long fingers. She grabbed my wrist while her other hand slid into Lucifer's back pocket and took out his black credit card.

"I know the pin baby don't worry." Topaz said in a mock seductive tone winked and laughed at him. Lucifer just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"So honey-bunch my name is Topaz and I like big dicks, diamonds, money and clothes." She explained.

I laughed and she laughed with me. "Were gonna go shopping." She squealed. I instantly felt nervous. "Why you look nervous?" She asked.

"I've never been shopping before." I confessed. "What?" She stopped and yelled. "Who buys your clothes?" She looked absolutely horrified. "A nun from my church?" She then started to laugh.

"C'mon let's go." She dragged me. As we kept on walking we exited the building and we went onto the streets of hell. It actually looks like heaven. The sky isn't red and the floor isn't fire.

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