In which she learns it feels good to sin

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Topaz in the picture

I wake up to a tickle on my stomach.

I look over expecting to see Lucifer but instead I see his form under the covers by my privates.

"Lucifer what the he-" He quickly hushed me by kissing my privates. I gasped.

"This is your vagina ok? Or your pussy as I like to call it." He muttered against my pr-pussy mocking me.

He licked me up and down and I couldn't help the noises that escaped my lips.

I'm sinning so hard right now. Anything that feels this good is a sin.

I grabbed his head over the sheets and screamed as his tongue entered me. "Ohh yes ahh." He sucked on a certain spot on my pussy that made heat build up in my stomach. Uncomfortable but pleasurable heat.

He moaned against my pussy as I grabbed his hair and that pushed me over the edge. My body convulsed as pure bliss went through my veins and I felt myself release all my innocence.



My body was still shaking as he licked his lips and came up to give me a kiss. I put my hand up quickly.

"You were just...licking... down- you know- there! You can't kiss me!" I whispered to him.

"But Caleese." He said dragging out my name. "You're so sweet and I really want you to taste what I just tasted." He looked at me through his lashes and gave me puppy eyes. I gave in immediately and he kissed me slow and sweet.

Is this what I've been missing out on?

Lucifer and I decided to get up and do something.

We decided to get breakfast at Lindenwood diner. (If you're from New York you know what that is) When I went to New York for a church event last year we ate there for breakfast and it was delicious. It's weird how Hell is an exact copy of New York but ten times better.

When we arrived we were seated immediately. I don't know what made me change my mind on Lucifer. Maybe it was this morning or maybe it was last week when Topaz and I walked in the house and he was naked.

But what I do know is that I'm feeling things I've never felt before.

I don't know but I do know that I want two salmon cakes and eggs. Something not too indulgent but good tasting.

"What are you getting Caleese?" Lucifer asked all of a sudden. "Salmon cakes and eggs." I answered and placed my hands on my lap.

He gave me a dry look the he rolled his eyes. "Come on Caleese!" He looked exasperated and he put in head in his elbows.

"What?" I laughed. "Stop being a square and liveeeeeee a little. Get chicken and waffles or a huge sandwich! You're in hell! Act like it." He coaxed.

I sighed. I sighed again. Then I sighed one more time.

"Fine I'll get chicken and waffles." I rolled my eyes. He laughed and a very timid female waitress came up to our table.

"H-hello, good morning. My name is Lacey and I'll be your waitress for this morning. Can I start you guys off with drinks?" She asked keeping her eyes on her notepad but a smile on her face.

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