Chapter 1 - A Beautiful Stranger

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Okay, so this is my first story. I will take in any suggestions you guys have to improve it but don't hate please :) p.s some chapters may contain mild-moderate sexual content and strong language. Also all of the facts in here will not be right but I will have to change some to make the story work that will be why! And while I write the story I don't know what is going to happen. I just write when ideas come to mind.

Btw over at the right is a picture of Hayden Panettierre who I think is Paige Summers to me. (Just make her eyes bluer! make her 2 years younger, she doesn't smoke! and voila!) Thanks x

Paige Summers is just your average 17 year old girl. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes. Both of Paige's parents passed away when she was 4. Her big sister Imogen and their granny had been looking after them ever since. But just 7 months ago Paige's granny passed away. And now her sister's off to live with her boyfriend.


~Paige's POV~

Things aren't going great for me at the moment. I have just finished school with good grades but now I have no clue what I want to do with my life. So I decided to go on a road trip for a month or so.

Everything was going great until a red light came on, flashing on the dashboard. I pulled over at the next emergency stop on the motorway. As I went around and opened the bonnet there was smoke everywhere! I didn't know much about cars but even I knew this wasn't good. So I went and grabbed my phone out of the car to phone the emergency breakdown service but my phone was dead! I'd have to try and get someone to pull over and help me. I tried for about an hour without any luck. It was getting late now, about 7. 30 and I was about 40 minutes drive out of London. Just as I thought about starting to walk, a black SUV pulled up next to me. A gorgeous blonde-haired, blue-eyed guy about 18 was sitting in the passenger seat and a good looking dark, curly haired boy about the same age was driving.

"You alright love?" The one in the passenger seat said. Oh my god! He was Irish too!

"No not really" I replied with a shy voice. "My car's just kinda broken down on me in the middle of nowhere and my phone battery's dead!"

"Where're you heading?" asked the other one. He wasn't Irish.

"London I guess? I'm kinda doing a road trip so I just go wherever but I can't really now." I said referring to my (literally) smoking car.

"Well I can drive you into London to a garage if you want love?" God that Irish accent was hot!

"Could you? That would be amazing!"

"Sure no problem! Close you bonnet and hop in."

I went and shut the bonnet, grabbed my purse and handbag out of the car, locked it and jumped into the backseat of these two good-looking random guys' car.

"I'm Niall by the way." Said the Irish one as I hopped in.

"And I'm Harry!" the driver shouted back with a little wink.

"I'm Paige. Nice to meet you! You're lifesavers! Thank you." I smiled as we drove off.

~Niall's POV~

"So where're you from?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Orkney. What about you? " she smiled

"Where's that? And I'm from Mullingar."

"Haha it's a tiny island up at the top of Scotland. Not many people know where it is. And only about 10,000 people live there. Haha"

Then she turned and looked at me. She was beautiful. Her long blonde hair, her stunning blue eyes, and her perfectly shaped lips.

"Wait!" she yelled out.

"What?" I asked nervously. Getting a bit of a fright at how loud she shouted.

"Aren't you Niall Horan & Harry Styles? Like from One Direction?" She asked, looking at me closely.

"Yes." I said slowly.

"Are you a fan?Please warn me if you're gonna start fangirling so I can cover my ears!" Harry teasingly asked her.

"I like your music but I ain't a superfan" she smiled a cheeky smile.

"So what are you doing up this way, picking up random girls off the side of the road anyway?" She winked.

"Only ONE random girl!" I argued as I smiled to her. "And we were up picking up some new equipment for the band. No one else would go so Harry and I had to go." I laughed.

We chatted about almost everything. Just getting to know each other. It was so easy talking to her.

"We're about 10 minutes away from the nearest garage" I informed her as we reached the outskirts of London.

"Thank you so much!" she replied.

"My pleasure!" Harry jumped in.

~Paige's POV~

As we pulled up to a garage I got out. I was just about to thank Niall & Harry and say goodbye, as Niall jumped out.

"You don't have to come with me." I giggled.

He came round to my side of the car.

"I want to. I'll come and see what they say."

"I'll just sit in the car!" Harry yelled out.

We walked into the garage and told one of the guys what happened. He sent a recovery truck out to get the car as me and Niall waited in a little office bit.

"I'm really sorry." said the engineer. "But your car needs a complex part that we don't have. It has to be shipped in from Poland which will take a few days the it'll take a while to fix it as it's not easy to fix."

I stood up. "It's okay. Thank you. When should I come back and pick it up?"

"Well it's Wednesday. So... How about next Thursday? By then it should definitely be fixed." He replied with an apologetic look.

"Okay. Thanks." I walked out if the office with Niall.

"Great! Now I have to pay for somewhere to stay for a week! And in London I doubt it'll be cheap." I muttered.

I went over to my broken car to get my luggage.

"Thanks for all your help! I'll maybe see you around." and I started walking off.

"Wait!" Nail shouted at me. "You could stay with me and the Boys! I live with Liam and Zayn but Harry and Louis have a spare room! And they're only 2 houses away from me."

"Thanks, but I've caused you enough trouble as it is. I'll just find a hostel or something."

"No no! It's no trouble at all. Honestly!" he shouted over to me.

"What's no trouble?" Harry yelled from the car.

"If Paige stays with you and Louis until her car is fixed next Thursday?"

"Sure! It'll be fun!" Harry winked at me.

" Harry stop flirting!!" Niall shouted at him. Then turned to me. "Sorry, Harry flirts with every female he meets!"

"Only the pretty ones!" he laughed.

Then we all started laughing.

Well I could get used to living with 5 good-looking guys and a gorgeous Irish guy for a week...

"Thank you so so much!" I ran over and hugged Niall tightly. "How can I ever repay you?"

"We'll see as the week progresses." he said cheekily with a little wink.


Author's Note: So what do you think? Any good? Should I add more chapters? What can I do to improve it? Please Comment and Vote! Thank you!<3

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