Hot head part.2 | Montgonery De la cruz

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*In Mr Porters office*

<You sat uncomfortably in the seat opposite Mr porters and had begun to unconsciously crack your knuckles- nervous habit. You stopped doing it once Mr Porter had sat back down, straightening out his tie then leaning over to hand you both a sheet of paper.

Hannah scoffs "What is this?"

You turn your paper the right way up and  scan the sheet. Date, time, event, people involved, the list went on.

"Whiteness statements Hannah" Mr Porter huffed as he rubbed his forehead "I will need to know exactly what happened"

He explained- almost too casually. It was almost as if he didn't want us bothering him at this moment..

"But we already told you what happened" Hannah explained. I watched as Mr Porter grabbed a pen out of a black pot in the desk and open the lid with his teeth.

"But I need it in writing" he mumbled as he scribbled with the pen on a yellow post-stick note, then reached for another one, one that actually worked "I also need anyone else who was in the room to write a statement too, so, do you care to tell me their names?"

You hesitated to name anyone. You didn't want them to be involved and you certainly didn't want anyone to think you we're a snitch.

Just before you could say anything, Hannah had already piped up "Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Bryce Walker" she listed, counting on her fingers as she did so, "and all the other poor excuses of men in that locker room"

"But Alex didn't do anything" you declared, speaking for the first time in about 5 minutes, gaining an eyebrow raise from Mr Porter before writing down the names.

"Exactly" Hannah said, folding her arms over her chest "He just sat back with his bowl of popcorn and watched the show"

"Hmm, what Flavour?" Mr Porter asked, still writing on the post stick note. Me and Hannah both looked to each other then back to Mr Porter.

"Salty?, Sweet?, Toffee?" He quizzed

"I'm glad you find this so funny" Hannah remarked. You were already out of your seat with the paper scrunched up in your fist.

"We're wasting our time Hannah, let's go"

Hannah pushed her chair out and got up.

"Ok- Ok ladies, I apologise" he said, holding up both hands. You and Hannah reluctantly sat back down.

"Look, I know this seems like the end of the world right now, but this kind of stuff happens all the time. As much as it shouldn't, boys and girls get into fights too"

"Yeah, because men are trash" Hannah whispered under her breath

"But what if it wasn't just a fight?" You asked "..What if it was- what if it was more than that?"

Mr Porter leaned forward "Montgomery and yourself, you guys are in a relationship right?" He asked

"Yeah" you agreed

"And this is the first time he's even been violent towards you, correct?"

"..yeah" you lied "yes"

"And what is it, you said to provoke him to do that?"

Your eyebrows knotted in confusion "And why do you assume that I had done something to provoke him?(!)" you mildly shouted, your voice beginning to shake.

Mr Porter's eyes shifted from Hannah to you "Well something must have happened for him to be angry"

"Or he could just be abusing her?" Hannah quickly responded 

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