That Boy Stiles

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"Do you like him?" Scott asked as you stared at Stiles.

"What, I mean... what pshh." You made several odd noises and tried to run off which made Scott laugh.

It wasn't like it was a secret to the other werewolves, you had a thing for Stiles, more like a crush you would tell yourself. But it was far more than that, when he was happy you felt happy to and when he was sad you felt like crushing whatever had made him feel like that.

You needed to clear your head which was why everyone was seeing you off at the airport. You refused to tell them who your dad was but explained that he'd be able to help you with somethings you had going on, an answer that didn't satisfy Stiles.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come with you, I could drive up." Stiles offered as your flight was called to board.

"I'll see you soon." You sighed and hugged them all before hurrying off.


"If it isn't the long-lost daughter." Klaus declared as you dragged your bags into the Compound and rolled your eyes at him. "How is my little wolf pup?"

"Yes, she's home and she's fine, now can we do something that gives me an excuse to not look at my phone?" You huffed and he frond.

"You haven't been this unhappy for a while, what's wrong?" Klaus asked and you flopped against your father.

"Have you ever had feelings for someone who doesn't like you and you can't get rid of those feelings and if you don't get rid of them you'll destroy a friendship?" You asked in one long breath and Klaus shook his head.

"I can't say that I have." Klaus sighed and you shrugged.

"I guess I'll go to my room and see who's hanging around the Quarter." You huffed sadly and trudged up the stairs.


"We're having a party." Klaus declared over breakfast.

"Why?" Elijah sighed having only just recovered the last party Klaus had thrown.

"Because we should have a party." Klaus hissed while glancing at you and you had a horrifying feeling that he was plotting something.

When Klaus had said party Elijah and Rebekah had imagined the typical Mikaelson party. What they got was far from it, but they couldn't complain, you were smiling for the first time since arriving in New Orleans as you danced to the beat and threw glow paint everywhere.

"(Y/N)!" Someone yelled over the beat and you stopped dancing when your friends pushed through the crowd.

"What're you guys doing here?" You yelled and Stiles frowned when he tried to hear what you said.

"Your dad invited us, he said something about peace treaties and Stiles' happiness." Scott yelled and you nodded.

"Ok well, let's dance, my dad kind of owns the city so... free reign." You hummed and Malia cheered as she headed to the bar to get shots.


"(Y/N)?" Stiles called as he tried to find you.

"Are you looking for my daughter I believe she headed back outside." Klaus hummed as he eyed Stiles and tried to see what you liked about him.

"Urm, thanks... I don't mean to be rude but you're like the actual Klaus Mikaelson?" Stiles asked as he stopped in the door way and Klaus chuckled.

"I am, now if you don't mind I would enjoy it if you went to find my daughter, she is rather fond of you which is the only reason you were invited... I want to see her happy." Klaus sighed and Stiles nodded when the hybrid glared at him.

He hunted through the dance floor for you and when he found you he just stared, finding the sight of you dance among the lights captivating as he found his feet moving towards you.

"Stiles hey, are you having fun?" You asked and Stiles nodded.

"Hell yeah, this place is awesome!" Stiles yelled and you grinned.

"You won't say that when the little groups start battling with my dad, that's kind of why I moved to Beacon Hills, less drama and violence." You chuckled when he gave you an odd look.

"Your dad seems pretty cool though." Stiles said and swallowed when you danced a little closer to him.

"Some times." You hummed and the two of you stared at each other for a moment before Stiles cupped you face and kissed you hard.

"Hey, watch what you two are doing!" Someone called at you and you chuckled as you pulled away before leaning into kiss you again.

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