Lovers, Three

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"You're not going to convince me." you said, peeking over you book at Klaus who looked at you s if he were admiring a piece of art.

"I'm aware of your stubbornness. I do happen to be sharing you with my brothers. Considering the trouble you had last time you were in Mystic Falls... how do you intend to convince Kol to let you go?" Klaus asked curiously.

When you looked up from your book again he gave you a half smile and nodded, rolling his eyes. "I'm not telling you. Elijah asked a similar question about you. No doubt Kol will ask the same one over dinner? I thought you knew better than to fight my stubbornness." You laughed lightly when he held his hands up and sighed.

"I am just as stubborn as you, I thought I might try." He grinned when you huffed, shaking you head as you got up from your seat and headed in from the garden.

You'd almost finished your room, draped happily on your bed, when you head an angry shout.

"Kol." Elijah said testily.

"You're both just letting her go, off, alone to Mystic Falls!" He shouted glancing between his brothers who looked equally irritated.

"Brother you do seem to forget that (Y/N), as sweet and willing to help as she is, is more stubborn than any of us. Besides, we ll know you'll tro off with her."

"I will not! I'm putting a stop to this!" Kol snapped, glancing from Klaus to you as you reached the foot of the stairs.

"You're not going to let me g? But my friends need me!" You asked sweetly.Elijah ttted as you gave Kol your best puppy dog eyes, pouting just slightly, drawing an amused chuckle from Klaus.

"I won't stop you from going if you have to." Kol said in defeat and hugged you, stroking you hair as Klaus shot a grin at Elijah.

"I taught her that." He whispered to Elijah who shook his head and strolled out of the room.


"You still haven't heard from her?" Elijah asked Klaus who was angrily painting using the blood of a vampire who'd been talking about you in the Quarter.

"If I had do you think I would be here?" Klaus snapped and stabbed at the canvas.

"Kol left a while ago, he seems intent on tracking her down." Elijah muttered, glancing at his phone.

"He is right of course, we shouldn't have let her go. Nothing good happens in Mystic Falls." Klaus snapped as he paused, brush in hand as he leant back on his feet.

"She is surrounded by vampires, werewolves and witches, all of whom are her close friends. She cannot be in such dire danger, perhaps she is simply distracted." Elijah muttered.

Klaus scoffed and sht a glar over his shoulder at Elijah before turning back to his painting.

"Come now brother, we both know she checks in with you all day, the two of you debat philosophy and the meaning of life it's self. Why check in with me, I'm only needed for fun that Kol is to safe to whip up with his spells and curiosity's." Klaus stood and seemed more worried than Elijah had estimated. "I'm sure you'll be the first to hear from her. Left her constant texts to your phone have stopped because she's gotten bored of us. I imagine she'd find the Salvatores an exciting challenge."

"Niklaus that is ridiculous, you paranoia is clearly getting to you." Elijah opened his mouth to toss another insult at Klaus but a choked cough caught their attention at the same time.

"Freya!" Kol called. Klaus and Elijah were beside him in seconds.

You were badly injured, some kind of spell was working it's way up your side from a bleeding wound. Klaus cleared the table so Kol could set you down as Freya and Rebekah rushed to see what was happening.

Klaus and Elijah glanced at each other a moment passed between them and all arguments were settled in an instance.

"The Gilmore by my bed. Get it." Kol said to Rebekah who nodded and darted off. "Elijah, Klaus, hold her down."

Klaus rushed to gently press on your shoulders, muttering to you s you faded in and out of consciousness, Elijah held down the arm Kol had let go of, rubbing gentle circles onto your palm s he watched his sisters follow Kol's orders.

"Whatever it was took the other two. Damon went to find them but Stefan was bringing her back. I took (Y/N) and h doubled back." Kol explained.

"Well once she's well I can go and find whatever did this. Or send Damon flowers if he gets it first." Klaus grumbled.

"We can all find whatever she was after. Once she's better." Elijah said firmly.

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