The Hybrid's Wife

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"There is one person we could call." Damon said reluctantly. Everyone stared at him as he glanced at Stefan. "She's probably the only person who'd be able to control Klaus."

"Who in the world could control Klaus?" Bonnie muttered in confusion.

"His wife." Stefan said casually. Everyone but Damon and Stefan were shocked.

"She likes him?" Elena asked, finding the hybrid irritating as well as terrifying.

"Well yeah, they've been together since the middle ages, they married when they were young... and human." Damon explained as he recalled you telling him years ago. "Although I don't think they've spoken since the nineteen twenties."

"For a second there I thought it would be a nice marriage." Caroline muttered as she strolled into the meeting. "How do we find her?"

"It's not to hard." Damon muttered and shuffled like an awkward child who was waiting for their parent to pick them up. "She calls once a week to tell me I should eat less live people, make sure I'm feeding Saint Stefan enough squirrels." Damon rolled his eyes when the group started teasing him as he walk off to make a call.


"Niklaus." You said firmly. Klaus sighed and stopped his march through the house.

"Which of your vampire infants called you to keep me in line?" Klaus asked and smirked as you rolled your eyes, fixing your earrings in the mirror that hung heavily on the wall.

"If I kept count of the people complaining about you Nik, I'd have to hire an assistant." You sighed nonchalantly.

"Is that not the Salvatore's duty. No I forgot. You've taken to mothering my sire line." Klaus' tone was mocking as he leant on the wall beside you.

"Someone has to keep you all under control." You smirked when Klaus growled a little.

"Why are you here (Y/N)?" He asked cooly.

"Damon was babbling on about you trying to eat their doppleganger. I thought I should come before you did something insidious." You rolled your eyes when he flashed you a grin.

"According to Damon's pack of human's, I crossed that line when I first arrived." He chuckled when you hummed in acknowledgement but began to walk towards the front door.

"Well you have always been big on entrances. Lucky for me i'm an expert on exits." With that you vanished from sight, leaving Klaus buried in nostalgia.


"You're not running amok tonight?" Rebekah asked Kol as he glided over to stand with her.

"(Y/N) caught me. I've been told to behave or else." Kol admitted and Rebekah laughed until she caught you watching her with an arched brow.

"So, who will you be siding with? (Y/N) or Klaus?" Rebekah asked once Damon had pulled your arm and lead you like a child would lead an adult to speak to the Sheriff.

"Come now Bekkah, you know better than to pick a side this early. I'm sure this argument will last several years at least." He grinned and waved as you glanced back to be sure he wasn't back to bothering the girl he'd been trying to feed on when you found him.

"In a thousand years when has Nick ever won an argument against (Y/N)?" Rebekah smirked when Kol was quiet for a moment.

"She once convinced Klaus they could pass through a Viking village unrecognised and she almost lost her head." Kol mimed an axe swing as he spoke but Rebekah hummed thoughtfully.

"You know he didn't invite her to the ball. She just turned up in that dress and hasn't even spoken to him yet." Rebekah said as she watched your dress flow around you. It made you look like you floated through the room and she wondered how Klaus could still keep up his angry facade.

"Oh, look. Klaus is heading over to talk to Damon and his pets. I wonder how (Y/N) will deal with it." Kol snickered out as he watched the awkward exchange.

"I'm sure he's very aware of my temper and strength. If he's sensible he'd hold some fear of me." You hummed out making them both jump. "Now if I leave to deal with Klaus will you both behave?" You asked as you watched Klaus torn off.

"Of course." Rebekah promised, Kol nodded in agreement but you doubted he'd last very long without causing a fit of drama.

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