【Character Info】《OSL》 #2

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Name: Riley Hatheway

Quick Facts:

Age: (when he first appears in OSL) 18

Birthday: December 8

Ethnicity: Half Asian Indian, a quarter white, and a quarter unknown

Height: 6'2" (189 cm) (and he grows a tad more!)

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Sexually and romantically attracted to women and Eran. Label it what you want.

Hobbies: Playing video games, watching Netflix shows, cooking, doing anything with Eran

Favourite food: He doesn't really have a favourite food, but his favourite type of dish is stew.

Least favourite food: Squash, okra, and other gooey, slimy foods

Fashion style: Seems to own a lot of striped tops.

Little known facts: Is good at sports, but too lazy to do them. Is an introvert (but clearly not the shy type).


Parents: Most of this can be read in his dad's bio, so I'll leave out the details and keep it short here. Basically, his mother left when he was young. His father started traveling for work when he was in high school. Riley doesn't dislike his father or resent him. He thinks his father did a pretty good job raising him considering not growing up with a father himself and doing it alone. His father never told him that his mother's family had been rich (and that it was part of the reason for her being disowned and later leaving) because he didn't want Riley to be prejudiced against wealthy people. Maybe that is a good thing since Eran comes from a wealthy family. I don't think Riley would have had a hateful prejudice, but I do think he would have been resistant to trusting wealthy people. So if he had known about his mother, that would've been more drama between him and Eran and who knows how their relationship would have progressed or turned out.

Youth: Riley was a kid who always tried to be strong. He never really asked for anything. He never really wanted anything. He did start acting out in middle school but his dad never knew about it. Although he never realized this himself, he started acting out partly because he kind of wanted his dad to notice and care, but mainly because he was sort of numb and bored. Doing something bad gave a little thrill. It started with stealing, then escalated to smoking. In high school, he started going to parties and drinking and smoking other things... He just really didn't know what he wanted out of life. He stopped partying for a while when he was studying to get into private school. When he got to the private school in 11th grade and met Jay and Tony, he started up again and added sleeping around to his destructive behaviours. You can say Jay was a bad influence, but it's not like he forced Riley into anything.

Education/Career: Riley was always a smart kid and got good grades. It wasn't until getting to private school where he started to purposefully lower his grades. The kids there were seriously competitive. The social hierarchy was based partly on pedigree and partly on academics. He didn't want to stand out and bring the wrath of any students or their over-zealous parents, so he kept his grades average. Until he made plans to go to Eran's university, that is. The reason behind his choice of doing chemistry in uni isn't special at all. He just figured it was a subject he didn't find boring and that had a practical use. Plus, science was his best subject and his chemistry teacher wrote him a recommendation. After graduation, he isn't sure where he'll go, but he wants to do something with immediate, practical results (unlike Eran who does research with indefinite results). Riley thinks maybe he'll go into some occupation related to food science since he likes cooking.

Love life: Believe it or not, Riley has had fewer girlfriends than Eran. If you count relationships between 5-year-olds as real, then his first girlfriend was at 5 years old. If you don't, his first girlfriend was in grade 7. They were together for a week, so maybe you won't count that either. In grade 9, he dated a girl for 2 months. Their relationship started off sexual before they actually dated. After some time, she started to get the sense he wasn't serious about her, so she cheated on him to make him jealous. When Riley realized the rumor about her cheating was true, he was just like "Okay. Whatever. Bye." But the girl tried to get him to beg for her back to which he said, "If I date a girl who spreads her legs for anyone, what does that make me look like?" So, she slapped him and he decided he was never going to date a girl again. Eran is his first love. He isn't sure what caused his somewhat immediate attraction to Eran. It was pretty much love at first swiped cigarette (if you believe in that, anyway). Still, he's never experienced attraction to any other guy, so he's reluctant to call himself bi. Though, when people find out he's with a guy and they assume he's gay, he doesn't bother to correct them. He doesn't really care what people think he is, but he isn't sure how to identify himself. Luckily, it isn't something he has to do.

Friend (lol, the singular is so sad, but hey, he has other "friends," especially in uni, but no one close enough worth mentioning):

Jay: As I said, they met in grade 11. Riley was chillin' alone in what he didn't know was Jay and Tony's smoking spot at school and Jay came over and offered a cigarette and they chatted and discovered they liked the same video games and TV shows. Jay invited him to come clubbing with him and Tony, and the rest is history.

If you have any more questions about Riley, ask in the comments and I'll do my best to answer!

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