【Reveal】《WBFK》 #1

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Hidden Facts

These aren't exactly secrets but more so facts that are canon that are not revealed in the books because they have nothing to do with plot or character development. Still, I'm sure you'll find them interesting.

Warning: Sexual content ahead!

When Best Friends Kiss

Liam had erotic dreams involving Alex during puberty, however didn't remember them upon waking. Imagine all the drama that would have been avoided if he did.

Malcolm actually had a huge secret crush on Alex even after their short time as boyfriends ended that lasted all through high school. Now he has a huge unrequited crush on Kareem. Unfortunately, Kareem is straight (like, actual straight, not Liam-straight). Knowing there's no chance with Kareem, he's still looking for his one true love. Good luck, baby. 💛

Vic eventually gets reported by another student he tried to play and is kicked out of the university. Haha.

I wish there was more I could reveal but most of them are already in other extras or would be revealed in spin-offs if I ever write them.

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