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"Was it a dream?", I asked myself before opening my eyes. 

I opened them and it wasn't this was true my biological parents were Beyoncé and Jay Z, I am in there house sleeping. This wasn't a dream and I am happy for two things I found my real parents and they are some of my favorite musicians.

Surprisingly I woke up earlier than my usual it is only 9:30 in the morning, how did I wake up early? That doesn't matter it's a good thing but now what matters is what's going to go down today? This feels as the calmness before the storm if that quote is even real, like that moment everything feels right and then the storm smacks you down.

Anyways we have to enjoy these good moments before everything possibly goes crazy because I know the Hamilton's can be crazy at times. Last night I heard my mom tell me that answer I just know this won't be an easy thing on any of us.

I put my hair up and out of the way before heading out of my room and downstairs to get some breakfast. In the kitchen was my parents both of them surprisingly there wasn't Blue and I low key wanted to see her.

"Good morning", Jay said

"Good morning", I said.

"You hungry baby girl,", Beyoncé asked.

"Yes I am", I said.

"We made some breakfast here you go hope you enjoy it", Jay said giving me the plate.

"Normani", Blue said walking in.

"Hi Blue", I said waving to her and she ran to me.

"You're my big sister, mommy it is Normani", Blue said.

Before I sat down I gave her a hug this moment was so sweet, it beats when your adoptive siblings meet you and play with you too much. I can't judge that much they had never experienced it before me but they still didn't have to be like that.

"You can play with her in a bit, let her eat", Beyoncé said to her.

"Okay can we play in a bit?", she asked.

"Of course", I said.

Then I finally sat down to eat and the food was amazing, so good that I went for seconds. I love food and I love it even more when food is cooked well you know how amazing that is. If I do choose to live with them I know I am not missing out on good food if thet constantly cook.

"That was amazing you guys really know how to throw it down in the kitchen", I said.

"Thanks it is team work you know I thought her how to cook", Jay said.

"Wow nice I won't lie I was kind of nervous because of past interviews where she said she didn't know how to cook", I said and they laughed.

"I am offended go to your room", Beyoncé joked.

"I am going to play with Blue for a while and then I think I might leave to talk to my parents, I have a big decision to make and I need all the information I can get", I said.

"That sounds like a very good idea", Beyoncé said.

"Yeah and whatever choice you'll make we will support you and be here for you", Jay added.

"Thank you", I said.

So for a good thrity minutes Blue and I were playing around with her doll house and barbie dolls. It reminded me of some of the things I did before I joined gymnastics, dance, and took singing lessons. It was nice to just play and the fact we were siblings blows my minds I can't wrap it fully around my brain.

Finally it was time to leave to get some clarity on everything that my parents have kept from. I know there is plenty because the things my real parents said with what sounded the most honest expressions. Beyoncé drove me back to my car and we talked a little bit on what I was thinking and she gave me some helpful advice.

Then I began my drive home I was so nervous to get back home because it's going to be different. All my life I have known I am adopted but not my parents even when I had vague memories that they couldn't let me remember. I arrived and looked at the house of my memories then I thought wow everything has changed. 

"Mom, dad", I yelled and they came.

"Oh you're back it's all over you're staying forever", my mom said.

"I come back with questions and honestly I can't guarantee that yet, I need to know everything and then think and pick", I said.

"And we are here to give you that", my dad said but my mom looked like she didn't agree with that.

"Thank you so much and I want to thank you for everything you have done fore me, both of you raised me as your own helping me with my career", I said to them.

"You're welcome now let's sit and talk", my dad said.

"So I have many questions to ask", I said.

"Go on", my mom said.

"Why did you guys not tell my parents we were moving, when I was little?", I asked.

"Thats not tr-"

"Andrea you have to stop that be real you know you can't lie with her like you have", my dad said shocking me.

"It was very close to the end of our parental rights and we had become so close we couldn't let you go. We did this to have you longer knowimg they would take you back", she explained.

"Ueah and we failed to see that they were also hurt by the decision?", my dad said.

"Why didn't you tell me before who they were, if they jad been in my life so long and I told you about those memories?", I asked.

"The less you knew the longer you would be here with us until you looked up about it", they answered.

"Would you be mad if I wanted to be with them?", I asked.

"We will accept any decisions you make, just take your time no rush", my dad said.

"You'll always be our daughter as well and apart of the family regardless, ams as long as you are happy we will be", my mom added.

"Thank you for everything, I love you too so much that will never change", I said hugging them, "I'm going to my room to think and to take a nap"

"Alright", they said.

I went across the hall to my messy room and laid in my bed that was never fixed to think about it. Who should I stay or should go? I won't lie I am leaning to my real parents I have missed out so much with them. I want to be with them not because they're famous but because it just feels a good different.

I just have to think it a lot in all possible ways it can change my life and there is many ways. Oh my god the girls don't actually know any of this, I haven't told the, anything. I wonder if I can tell them yet I don't know what either parents think of telling them, I just have to give myself time.

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