Moving On

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This new life is interesting for sure it's such a lavish life style but not too lavish that I don't see my parents. I still don't own an overload of designer brands and that won't change. I have a nice car my mom bought me so I can get around LA and not worry of getting places.

When I'm not in the studio I am with my parents at home and if Blue is there we play together. We usually take Sunday off to hang out we long as we're not touring. My girls from Fifth Harmony are always here with us as well and we have so much fun together, especially when my aunts come over. My aunt's are hella crazy we be doing some dumb stuff all the time my mom get mad at us sometimes. I've snuck into clubs with them and messed around with some guys while we were there. You won't believe what people do when people look good.

Sometimes we go on random trips to their other houses out of state and go to have fun their. It is really cool being able to go anywhere at anaytime and we tend to take adventage whenever we can. Today was interesting we are actually going to do a little family interview with my auntie Solange to post out online.

The internet stats in confusion over what is my relationship with Beyoncé and Jay Z, it's time we explain them everything.

"Let's get this started", the director yelled.


"Cut... Solo say something nicer you know they support us right?", my mom said.

"Yeah yeah"

"Let's start again I agree with Beyoncé", the director said, not like he had a choice.

"Hello I'm Solange your host here to ask Beyonce and Normani what has been on the internets mind. Who is Normani's baby momma and baby daddy?", she said.

I couldn't hold it I was laughing so hard after she said that we all were, even the director who is usally very professional.

"Let's regain ourselves and again", the director said.

"Hello I'm your host Solange and we have an interview with Beyoncé and Normani, we got amazing news", auntie Solo said.

"I am pregnant with twins yall", my mom said and I rubbed her belly.

"Anything else beside that?", she asked.

"Yes there is and this on is more complicated take it away Bey or better mom", I said.

"This talented, beautiful, amazing, and hard-working girl here named Normani is my daughter", she said.

"Hold it up a second... what happened here please explain?", auntie Solo said.

"So 19 years ago I got pregnant and for many reasons I decided to hide it and I was forced along with other regretful decisions. I chose to have a partial adoption with abilities to visit her and it worled well many people around us got to meet Normani. We were raising her along with her parents and then problems happened once we were allowed to fully have her. Her adoptive parents fled with her no sign or trace of her existence we looled everywhere and nothing. We found her through X- Factor and we knew she was our baby a few connections later we finally met.", my mom explained.

"How do you feel about all of this Normani?", auntie asked.

"At first it was unbelievable I couldn't process it at first but as I learned more it became my reality. My other parents were both supportive and helped me to understand the choices I had also to know my decisions were allowed. Now I live with Bey and Jay or as I call them mom and dad the transition has been pretty good", I said.

"Aww that's great so there you have it NORMANI is BEYONCÉ'S child, go listen to her girl group Fifth Harmony or else... and keep listening to Beyoncé cause shes a queen."Solange threatened, ''now let's get the Father's side come on over"

My dad switched chairs with my mom for the interview to continue.

"How you feel about having your daughter back", Solange asked.

"Great I'm really happy that she is back and we can have her in our life. I do feel some guilt at the fact it took us this long to get her back", he admitted.

"How do you feel about that Normani?" Solange asked

"I am grateful we can't go back in the past and it doesn't matter anymore. I am just glad to be reunited and that we can spend time together the one we lost as a child"

"You're right and with that now you know what's up with the Carter's. Enjoy your days and life", Solange said wrapping up the video.

"Alright that's a wrap anything else we should film?", the director asked.

"No but thank you Malik we are done here, now let's all go and eat", my mom said.

We all helped the set wrap and then we drove off to a restuarant nearby to meet up with my dad and little sister. This was a little thing we had going on eeting with the family at a restuarant like every week or so, and days we all hung out today.
It is very nice because it helps me get closer to everyone and sometime my adoptive family joims us there is no real bad blood.
I have let the resentments at times I had go to the best of my ability although my adoptive mom shows disapproval at times. I have come to understand that she's going through it as well it takes time to adjust and accept.

"Blue", I sakd picking her up.

"Maniiii look my new toy", she said showing me a barbie doll of myself.

"Oh my goodness that's so cute it looks like someone I know", I said.

"You Mani it's youuu", she said.

"That's where I remember it from it's kind of pretty you got any other?", I asked.

"She has the whole Fifth Harmony set just that we have a one toy rule", my dad said.

"Did you lose a game to her?", I asked.

"She's a sneaky little player, she surprises me", he said.

"I know she's gonna be good at business", I put her down and we all headed to the table.

"Jay you really still out here making bets with Blue don't you know you can't win", Solange said.

"I'm fair daddy loses", Blue defended herself.

"Don't attack my smart daughter like that", Beyoncé interrupted.

I laughed at them Blue was incredibly smart she could get away with many things. Now it might get harder when the twins arrive but it's still will be a while. I know for sure that we will both be hanging out more during that time.

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