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Here's chapter five guys! Enjoy
And don't forget to vote and comment!

March 27

8:12 am

stranger: mysterious girl, you're really scaring me

stranger: look, my name is Conner. Im not some creepy old man. just please answer me

stranger: still no response?.. okay... be careful mysterious girl

March 31

3:19 pm

stranger: just thought you should know..the tutoring helped. I passed math exams. thanks for your advice

          one contact name changed to connerr

7:35 pm

connerr: I dont even know if you are receiving these anymore.....

connerr: okay i dont know whats going on, but please, just answer me. all I need is a yes or no if you're okay, are you in danger?

April 1

3:01 am

new message: connerr

its addison... dont text me ever again

> send

Oooo so we've found out strangers name and Addison has trusted him to tell him her name, what did you think is going to happen next?

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