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Hate to say it but this book is almost over :/ well they call it a short story for a reason. I hope you guys are enjoying, don't forget to comment and leave a vote!

⭐️conner's p.o.v⭐️

There she was, inches in front of me. A short little figure with long brown curly hair, unbrushed this morning. Big brown eyes and small freckles covering her whole body. I️ was too busy taking in everything to notice her frazzled state of mind. Staring at me like a deer caught in headlights. We were both just standing there frozen. She shoved a note into my hands and pulled her sleeves down as if to hide something, I️ was intrigued. After I️ blinked, she was gone. Minutes until the final bell rang I️ snapped out of my daze. I️ couldn't be late, I️ fumbled with the note shoving it into my pocket and dashing across the school.

Breathing hard, I️ closed my eyes taking deep breaths outside of Mr. Greyson's classroom. I️ made it, with seconds to spare, he was outside just waiting for me to run up. "I️'m so so sorry" I️ heaved to Mr. Greyson. The bell rang. "Well, Mr. Loverly, you aren't late. Consider yourself lucky this time. Please take your seat."

Tapping my pencil faster and faster time just wouldn't speed up I️ needed to get out of here. I️ needed to read that note now. Looking around I️ noticed how distracted everyone was. Mr. Greyson was teaching a small group of kids that had missed a lot of days and the other kids were doing a workbook page. I️ had finished 10 minutes ago. I️ pulled the note out of my pocket and flattened it out. Bitting my lip, I️ took a deep breath and began to read.

Dear Conner,

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