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I️ grabbed the piece of glass and made my way to the door, I️ had no idea what I️ looked like and only imagined the worst as I️ creaked open the door. The hall was clear. I️ stepped out and quickly shut my door again. "Miss?..." I️ jumped, lunching the glass in front of me as to protect myself. It was only Allyson, one of my most trusted maids. "A-Allie.. I'm so sorry." I️ whispered, my voice leaving my body faster and faster every second. "Oh my dear! Madame Paris told us all you were unwell and contagious that we had to stay away for our own good! Honey, come with me, I'll help." I️ shook my head "I️ was never here." I️ whispered. Holding my finger up to my lip to tell her to be quiet. I️ pleaded with my eyes, body trembling, she nodded. "Go on, child, I'll watch from afar." I smiled weakly "Thank you." I️ mumbled, rushing down the hallway towards the staircase.

I️ hid in the linen closet for 15 minutes as men in business suits paraded around, acting as if they were home. Finally, when the coast was clear I️ stepped out, adrenaline rushing in my veins I️ felt nothing else. I heard the shouts of Conner and his friend outside talking to someone, trying to get in. Please don't budge I️ thought, they needed to stay away. In the lounge room a handful of men, only ten or so stood or sat in chairs as Paris was seated up front. Wearing all black, matte red lipstick and her bleached hair down by her shoulders in loose waves. Her daughter sat in the corner in a bright pink dress, her hair down, straight and perfect as always. What else did I️ expect?

I️ snuck around to the back of the lounge room, I'd lived in this mansion my whole life, I️ knew every back road and hiding spot there was to invent. I️ took a deep breath, clenching the glass so hard it started to tear the cloth. Opening the door, I️ ducked away from the crowd of people and focused on the main chair. I️ was in between thick two layered curtains and clouds of furniture and men. I️ always won hide-and-seek when I️ choose this spot. Creeping my way out I️ was now directly behind Paris' main chair.
"Raise a glass my men, if you would, let this toast go to the start of a new chapter for all of us!" She raised her champagne high into the air. "Cheers!" The men said, most of them in unison, the rest of them chirping in after. Their glasses clinked and the sipping of champagne begun. Silent tears ran down my cheeks, dripping onto my torn and battered clothes, I️ turned around, raising my own champagne high into the air and striking i️nto Paris' right hip. "Ouhh!" She let out a high pitch squeal looking to see where the pain had come from, she saw me, glaring her devil eyes into my soul. Challenging me on my will to live, not under her, ever. I️ made that know. I️ stepped out into the open, leaned back against an arm chair for support, the adrenaline leaving my system and everything becoming a blur. "It's Addison Porter." Some men whispered upon themselves but I️ still heard. I️ knew what they were saying and thinking. Some rushed to help Madame Paris, others rushed to take a better look at me. Some pulled out phone calling 911 to report the emergency, and I️? I️ passed out in the arms of a stranger whispering only one thing "Conner."

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