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I stopped myself from writing anymore. Don't give him too much information. I reminded myself. You're doing this to get your story out there, you're not doing this for a friend. I don't even know what Conner looks like, but he's so caring. I already feel bad for doing this to him. "ADDESYN!" my step-mother, Madame Paris yelled. I groaned, stuffing the paper into my notebook and throwing it on my bed near my bookbag. "WHATTT" I yelled back, already annoyed by her thick fake British accent. "Get down here and help Rosalie with her homework, you ungrateful annoying child." She called up the stairs. I rolled my eyes in my head and threw on a sweatshirt and fumbled down the creaky staircase where the ever so elegant Madame Paris stood, awaiting my presence. "Finally, you walk like a sloth, fix your posture and walk with grace, try to act like a lady darling, I know its oh so hard but it's the only way you'll succeed." She paused turning away from me and walking towards her precious little angel before continuing her rant about me. "Maybe someone would then pity you and get you out of my household then." She snickered. I grit my teeth, "Mrs. Paris, that's not necessary. I already have plans to leave when I'm 18."

The tall, young woman stopped dead in her tracks at my sentence, turning ever so slowly to face me. "You will not leave this household without my permission, and it's Mother Paris to you, after all in two short months, we will be family." She smirked, her bleach blonde hair framing her long face. Her eyes pierced my soul as if looking for more ways to destroy my life than she already has. "You don't scare me, Paris. And I will make my own life and protect my family; oh and we? We will never be family." I turned on my heels dashing towards the kitchen where I found maids scampering around. Confused I stopped one of them, Ms. Lisa, to find out what was going on. "Ms. Lisa, what is going on?" I pulled her off to the side, beads of sweat framing her small figure, she looked relieved that I pulled her from her duties. "Oh, Ms. Addison, its the princess' birthday in two days. We must finish the preparations." I mentally gaged and physically sighed and the names Madame Paris and Rosalie forced our staff to call them. "You mean the witch and devil offspring?" I mumbled. Ms. Lisa's face broke into fits of laughter but straighten up immediately. I knew how much this job meant to her, but as long as I was around I would protect them with my life. They were much more than our staff, they were our extended family. "I must get back to work now, Ms. Addison, but I will be here more often now so if you need anything don't hesitate." I knew Madame Paris was keeping parts of the staff here 24/7 now and I wish they didn't have to but at least she chose the good ones. Dad would be home at six, three more hours and then I'd have at least some freedom. I would pick Maceyn and Charlien up in an hour and a half, but until then I was stuck in this mansion with my only option is to help Rosalie with math.

"All you do is add 6 twice and then divide by 6!" I exclaimed at Rosalie who couldn't do simple math for the life of her. In the past hour, we only got done with half of her equations homework. "NO! You multiple 6 and divide by 2!" She argued back. "See, Addisyn, the problem states 6x6 divided by half!" I sighed, she had her mother's annoying accent and called me 'Add-e-son' instead of 'Add-is-on' "Mama! Addisyn is trying to make me fail my math homework!" I shush her before she tries to finish her sentence. "I'll stay out of the house for a week if you don't tell your mom about this and let me do your homework correctly," I begged her. It was stupid for me to have to be doing this but I had to. "Deal" Her eyes twinkled as the word rolled off her tongue, she scooted the chair back and skipped into the living room singing.

I sighed and finished the child's homework.

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