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June 13, 1941 ~

Elaine did indeed go to the diner with Steve and Bucky, and the three enjoyed each other's company so much that they did this again twice a week for two months. Every Monday and Friday, the two boys would walk down to the machine shop during Elaine's break to pick her up, and the trio would venture down to the diner for milkshakes and to listen to the music while they caught up on life. Elaine, knowing the other two well enough by the second time they went, suggested that someone different pay each time. That way, they weren't always paying for her, and could save up their own money properly for other things.

Soon enough, the weather became warmer, and June rolled around. Deciding to take advantage of the sunny days, Bucky suggested a trip to the waterfront, and the other two happily agreed. Once the two boys were ready to go, they went down to pick up Laney, as they had taken to calling her after Steve had tried it out once, who had the day off. She came out in a bright yellow suit, much like the cab she drove, with a towel around her neck and bag in hand. Linking arms, the three set off, Elaine in the middle. She was a tall girl, though a bit shorter than Bucky, but the height difference didn't bother them at all.

Reaching the beach, the three walked down the pathways towards a large outcropping of rocks, ignoring the looks thrown their way by strict and traditional parents, and judgmental peers. The elderly couples on the beach simply smiled at them, glad that the trio felt the freedom to walk together so easily, something they had never been able to do. The little group set up camp in the half-shade of the rocks, and the two boys walked towards a concession stand to grab drinks and food for all of them, Bucky insisting on paying when he remembered his recent raise and bonus for making it through the slowest month of the year. This left Elaine to watch their little corner of sand, which only gained her more judgmental looks.

People were still prejudiced against people of color, and while she was not dark enough to be considered black, the color of her skin certainly made it harder for her to do anything in life, even something as simple as sitting on the beach. The fact that she was a female made things even harder, and it was a good thing her father owned his own machine shop, or she may not have been able to get a job anywhere near her home, and the fact that she had darker skin lost her plenty of fares through the city, silly as it might have been. To many, a girl with skin like chocolate walking with a pair of white gentlemen was nothing less than a sin and a scandal, an opinion that, while it made little difference to any of the three, was not hidden from the two boys as they stood waiting for their food at the stand. A man in his mid-thirties, not much older than the two, began to speak to them, and it was all Bucky could do to hold back his reckless pal from attacking the fellow.

"What are you two doing here with that?" Struggling to hold back Steve, Bucky spoke up in a cool but defensive tone, quite bothered by the finger pointing in Elaine's direction, who was reading a book peacefully on the sand, her face shaded by a large yellow sunhat that had been packed up in her bag.

"We're visiting the beach with our friend Elaine, taking advantage of a nice summer day, pal. If you've got a problem with it, keep it to yourself and put that finger somewhere else. It's rude to point at a lady." The man frowned.

"She's not welcome here. This is our beach, pal." He said, gritting his teeth. Steve was ready to explode, but remembered that this was going to be easy enough to deal with, and kept himself in check as he spoke up.

"I don't see your name on it... pal. So why don't you keep your nose out and back off." The man looked down at him in amusement.

"What are you gonna do, kid? Fight me?" Steve narrowed his eyes, and the man stepped forward, but Bucky's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

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