Height Difference

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September 15, 1943 ~

Steve was nearly shaking as he settled inside of the chamber. Stark might be a genius, but it was impossible not to remember the supposed flying car he had seen at the fair. He was glad Elaine was there to make sure things went fine, as she was his assigned nurse, but he couldn't quite put the worry from his mind. Of course, now that he was inside it was a bit too late to back out. The pressure continued to build as Howard increased the distance of the lever in his hand, whatever that did, and it hurt like hell, but he clenched his jaw against it. He heard them trying to stop the procedure, and called out so they could hear him, determined.

"No! I can do it!" The pressure grew, the light becoming bright enough to force his eyes shut, and he could feel the bones and skin of his body stretching and strengthening. Suddenly, it all stopped, and the machine whirred more and more slowly, before stopping all together. He could have sworn he heard the thing ding as it opened. Given Stark's personality, he wouldn't have been all that surprised, but other things drew his attention. One being that people around him were talking very animatedly, and another was that Elaine was looking up at him. It took a moment for Steve to realize that he was now taller than she was, only registering when another nurse handed him a large, white shirt, which he pulled on before smiling sheepishly down at his fiancee. "How bad is it?" She chuckled.

"The height difference is definitely going to take some getting used to, but I think you're just fine." He laughed, and hugged her, still adjusting to his new height. Things were going to be different, and it sure wouldn't be easy. But, with Elaine at his side, he figured he could take on anything that came his way.

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