Don't You Worry

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I am so sorry I haven't replied, I only just received your second letter, and I guess my reply to the first didn't make it to you. I asked one of the boys here, Rob, to take it with his post, but I guess someone at the station dropped it. I would have gone myself, but that bomb did a number on our guys, and I didn't have enough time to move away from the tents. It wasn't easy on me either, for that matter. I got a nice gash on my side, and Peggy made sure I listened to the doc here and stayed resting until I was cleared for work again. I suppose it's times like these that I miss you the most, simple because I realize I'm acting like you. Stubborn. I'm back on my feet now, back helping fix these guys up, and my side is fine. It might scar a bit, but who cares? As long as we're both okay, and Bucky and papa are too, we'll be just fine. Don't mention me getting hurt to papa, alright? He didn't want me anywhere near the fighting in the first place. Don't you worry about me, Stevie. I'm just fine.

All my love,


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