Irrevocably In Love

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May 23, 1943 ~ 

    A little over a year had gone by since Elaine and Steve started going steady, and they were just as in love as ever. In fact, Steve had enlisted Bucky to help him propose. Elaine was signed up as a nurse and mechanic for the war effort, and neither of them really wanted to wait.

    Elaine wasn't a showy girl, and Steve wasn't much for attention himself, so he planned something simple. A night out to dinner and a movie, and then a walk on the beach to the rocks they hung around during the hottest days of summer. She loved the sea, and he had set up the perfect place with a yellow blanket, and her favorite dessert of lemon meringue pie. Once they had finished, Elaine walked to the edge of the rock, the candles and moonlight illuminating her against the dark. She was, as always, the most beautiful girl he had ever met, but she was much more than just that. She was smart, witty, funny, talented, and so much more. Before he lost his nerve, Steve approached her, and began to speak as best he could. 

    "Elaine, we've been together for a while now, and I've realized that I don't ever want to be without you again. Honestly, I'm no good at this stuff, I never have been, but I really don't know how I got on without you before. I am completely and irrevocably in love with you, Elaine Bauer. So, would you be with me, not as my girlfriend, but as my wife?" He was on his knee now, a ring box held out to her. "Elaine Jean Bauer, will you marry me?" Elaine didn't have to think twice before nodding, smiling through the happy tears rolling down her cheeks.



   The two were unable to set a date, as Elaine was to be shipped out in a few days, but no one cared.

   Elaine's father was so happy and excited for the pair that he insisted on helping with anything they needed when the time came, and said they could stay with him until they got everything figured out.

   Bucky was ecstatic that his two best friends were finally getting hitched, something he had been hoping for since they had started going steady. Any criticism sent their way was met by Bucky's fierce support of their union, and almost never reached the couple.

   In all honesty, it was amazing that Elaine had been enlisted at all, but the army needed people with her skills, and the numbers of people they had dwindled constantly. The only reason her form was even accepted was because a Doctor Erskine had sent it straight to an Agent Margaret Carter, who made it her personal mission to get the girl in to help. 

  So, a mere five days after their engagement, Elaine was shipped off to an army encampment and placed under the direction of Agent Carter. Steve was left waiting for letters whenever she could write, and waiting for his chance to join her in the field.

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