Thank God

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Thank God you're alright! I haven't been able to sleep much since the story ran in the papers and on the radio, but boy was I glad to get your letter. Did you mean Robert Hansen? That kid who was sweet on you in fifth grad? If so, tell him your fiancé says hello. Yeah, I know I'm probably obnoxiously paranoid about him, but you know how I get. It's not you, obviously, but I never quite trusted that kid. Tell Agent Carter I say thanks for making you listen to that Doctor guy. I'm glad you're healing up, doll, but please take it easy for awhile, alright? I won't mention if to your dad, but I won't lie if he brings something up. You probably guessed I would say that, huh? Everything's pretty good here, Bucky's making me go with him on his dates, getting me out and about as always. He still likes to mess with me, though. You remember the Cyclone at Coney Island? Yeah, I threw up. Again. I still can't see why you like that thing so much, I swear it's out to get me! Buck keeps talking about this science expo showing off a new invention of a Howard Stark or something, and I have a feeling he's going to drag me into going along. Maybe I'll check in at the enlistment center, give it another go. Wish me luck, sweetheart.

With love,


The Soldier And The CabbieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora