All My Love

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My darling Steve,

I'm at camp now, safe and sound. Peggy, Agent Carter, is a sweet woman, at least to me. She helps train the boys who come here, but she has to put them in their place often when they get disrespectful. We've become good friends, and she's insisted on teaching me combat and how to shoot a gun properly. It's actually quite comforting to know how to defend myself if need be. Of course, there's not much cause for that here. All I really do is stitch up people's arms and legs, or whatever needs stitching. It's funny really, how little people care about the color of my skin when I'm what standing between them and death, however morbid it may be. I got a letter from papa, about the shop and everything. Thank you for staying with him, he needs company, and he likes having you around. How's Bucky doing with his new gal? I love the fella like he's my brother, but he dates more girls in a month than I even know in general! I miss you perhaps most of all, but I hope to be able to come home on some sort of leave soon, and I'll come see you if I can.

All my love,


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