CHAPTER I: Starting Point

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 I wanted to know more about you...


Year 2002.

The first day of freshmen year is a boring one for me. The students and faculty members were the same ones I knew since grade school. This will be the beginning of my dullest school life!

Few weeks passed, and today is like all the other days. Our class started early and I'm forcing myself not to fall asleep while our teacher is busy writing notes on the board. I started sketching houses on my notebook, consciously waiting for the school bell to ring, indicating the end of our uneventful class. When the bell rang, I hurriedly grabbed my bag and went outside. I came to an abrupt stop when someone blocked my way. He's one of the badminton players I played with last summer. I know his ugly arrogant face, but I already forgot his name.

He saw that I'm thinking hard to remember his name, so he introduced himself first.

"Hey Eliza, do you remember me? I'm Lan. We played badminton last summer. My friends and I will have a badminton match at 7 PM at the court. You want to join us? We're playing doubles. And it's fun because we're going to place bets and grant wishes.", he said.

"Your life is boring now so why don't you join this bunch of losers for a while?", said one of the badly-behaved girls in my class. Her name's Cassie and we're 'friends' in grade school but she started to hate me when all my suitors today were the boys she flirted with. They dumped her after she gave them everything she had.

I ignored her and answered Lan, "Sounds fun! Okay. Count me in. I'll be there before 7 PM."

I went to our school cafeteria to have a snack first and then I changed up my clothes and retrieved my badminton racket from my locker. When I arrived at the court, there were a group of boys and girls already warming up. I recognized some of them like Jessie and Jameya because we're on the same clique.

They saw me and paired me up on some girl named Yessa. She said that our match today is kind of serious because the players will want their wishes to come true. Two wins out of five matches means that you can make the losers grant your wishes.

Some of them were busy putting money in a bag and placing bets on their favorite badminton players. Wow! I didn't expect that they added this kind of thrill on our game tonight! I found out that Lan wanted to earn a date from a girl that he's chasing since 5th grade. That snobbish girl, Frincez, always turned him down and he thought that this will be his chance.

Jameya get her notebook and listed all their 'wishes' that will come true later once they won the match. Some of the girls squealed when they saw what Jessie wrote as her wish, "Mobile number of the gorgeous transferee".

"Jessie, who's that transferee you're talking about?", I asked curiously.

"Gosh girl! Are you living under the rock? Don't you know that we have a new face in our school? Her family came from Madrid and they decided that she'll start her freshmen year with us!", Jessie said.

"We saw her playing badminton with Frincez's friends months ago. She's really a great player! She's so pretty and when she smile... Oh gosh! Those cute dimples! You'll forget your sexual preference! I want her to hit me with her racket if that's the way to her heart! Jessie and I were so happy when we found out that she enrolled in our school!", Jameya said in a flirty manner.

I'm eager to know this mystery girl. They said that our classroom was adjacent to hers. But why I'm not familiar with the girl they talk about? I will know in an instant if she's new because I am tired seeing the usual faces since grade school years.

"Eliza, that's the girl we're talking about!", Jessie whispered at me excitedly while pointing at the girl sitting on top of a platform stage.

I watched her every movement to catch a glimpse of her face. I couldn't see her clearly because she's wearing eyeglasses and her head's down. I think she's busy typing on her phone. Even though her face is still hidden, I'm amazed by her simple but catchy getup. She has this boyish aura with a little hint of femininity. I couldn't explain what I'm feeling but my eyes were now glued at her. If she's gorgeous from afar, what's more if I'm in front of her?

She waved at the girl who entered the court, that's when I fully saw her face. She smiled at her friend and holy guacamole! I felt that my world stopped, and my heart got overwhelmed. She has this charm that could easily sweep you off of your feet. I want to see her smile every minute! I have this urge to wrap my arms around her and never let go! I want to remove her eyeglasses to see the color and how beautiful her eyes are. I want to see her cute dimples that Jessie is talking about! I don't understand what's happening to me. I want to know everything about her! This is the first time I felt like this for someone else, especially to a girl!

I noticed that the person she's talking to was Frincez. They seemed close. Cez was staring daggers at me now but I just raised an eyebrow at her. I think that she'll be my number one rival!

"Good luck everyone! We have five teams. You just need to win twice in order for your wishes to come true or double the money you risked! I'm so gonna win this!", Lan said then winked at Frincez.

"Eeeww... Lan, just give up on her! Since 5th grade you're following her like a sad puppy, but she doesn't care! Find another girl who will be stupidly fall in love with your arrogant ass! And that's me! Let's win this game, Eliza! And I'll show Lan how perfect I am for him!", Yessa interjected and then slapped me on my arm like she's my instant BFF.

"No! We're going to win this game! Or else we'll lose hope in being friends with our crush!", Jameya said and fist bumped Jessie.

I sighed deeply. I don't really care whether we win or lose this match. My mind is pretty much occupied on thinking strategies on how to be close to that girl who made my heart leaped out of my chest and gave me an unexpected adrenaline rush!    

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