Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

P/T - Pizza Topping

For weeks now, I've stayed on my sofa, completely abandoning all interaction and anything relevant to life. The only time I'll get up is for when the pizza is delivered or I need the toilet; showering is out of the question however. I have become nose blind to the stench that is clinging to me and my flat, cleaning is also something I've not bothered with. Even the rotting pizzas on the floor aren't enough to get me up and cleaning, I used to be such a neat freak and if I walked into a flat to this I would grimace so much, to the point my face would become an impression of a gone off shrivelled tomato. Everyone on Twitter is wondering where I've gone and why I haven't uploaded but I can't bring myself to tweet or reply to someone. It's as if my thumbs have lost their function. I've gotten so many missed calls and texts from Jackie and Zoe, even some from Alfie. Oli has attempted to call me once but the only interaction I've had with any of them is a text from me saying I'm going away. It's my only excuse. I've thought about actually showering and getting myself up and ready for life, just to see Joe but like normal I just chicken out. I doubt he'd want to see me anyway, not after the way he reacted after I told him I still loved him. I guess he just never felt the same. I sigh, closing my eyes and attempting to sleep but they crack back open when my door swings open and in comes an angry Jackie.

"Jesus!" She grimaces, holding her breath and backing out of the flat. "When was the last time you showered or just cleaned?" She asks, shocked as she takes a closer look from the door. I guess if I ever wanted no one in my flat, this is the way.

"Does that matter?"

"Yes. Yes, it does." She says, holding her nose and coming back in; going into the bathroom and beginning to run the bath. I sigh at the thought of having to bathe myself.

"No. No, it doesn't."

"Shut up, Y/N. You're going into the bath." She challenges, narrowing her eyes down at me.

"Try me," I say with a glare.

"Oh, I will. I will undress you if I have to."

"As if," I smirk, the last time we saw each other undressed was probably when we were four and sharing a bath.

"Try me." She bounces back, crossing her arms. When the bath is ran, she turns the taps off and comes over to me, looking down with the 'mum' look. I stare at her, actually a little terrified, I know Jackie too well and something she does is not ever back down. "Come on then." She smiles, pointing to the bathroom.

"It's not happening," I say with a smirk.

"We'll see." She comments before lunging down at me and dragging me off the sofa and into the bathroom but I go straight down to the floor, making it impossible for her to get me up but she doesn't stop there. After a while of me giggling at her failed attempts of getting me into the bath and her getting frustrated, she gives up, sitting on the floor with me and sighing.

"What's it going to take?" She asks, tired and unmotivated.

"I just don't feel like it."

"For me?"

"I wish I could..."

The rest of the day was spent with me sat in that same sofa crease I have made for myself (get the reference? ;)) and Jackie insisting she tidied and cleaned for me. By the end of the day, my flat was back to normal, Jackie and I both exhausted from devouring the P/T pizza we had ordered. I still hadn't washed but somehow, by the end of the night I felt positive for the first time in a very long while and managed to get myself into the shower. I had missed it. Both showering and the clean feeling you get afterwards.

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