Picture of Alex (Oliver in Wolf Form)

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Oliver's POV

I clumsily sprinted over the forests floor, tripping on roots and rocks. My muscles burning from the exercise and my lungs crying out for me to stop; but I didn't. The scrapes on my paws stung with a dull throb but that pain is nothing compared to what I would feel if I was caught. With that in mind I sped up until my frantic pack member's yells turned into soft whispers.

Alex, I can't keep running.

No response; so I kept sprinting. Alex talked when she had to, not when she wanted to. If she didn't talk that meant I was doing well; or doing so bad she just can't be bothered to call me out on my mistake.

My vision blurred and I started to slow. The forest was spinning. I was sure that the trees were laughing, finding humor in my misfortune.

They broke it off.

What? What did they break, Alex?

Our pack bond.

I didn't want to be a part of that revolting pack but despite that I couldn't stop the tears from falling. The Lost Fire Pack held all of my memories, good and bad. I had no where else to go. Without them I'll die, that's for certain.

With wobbly legs I laid down next to a tall spruce tree. I was a rouge now. I wasn't on The Lost Fire's pack grounds anymore. I'm not safe anymore- it's not like I use to be anyway.

Anyone can come by and kill me; but I just don't have the energy to care. Closing my eyes, I thought of a place I'd rather be; anywhere but here. Anywhere but this forest, blasted with self-pity and dilated crying eyes.

I knew I wouldn't wake up in the forest but that's fine with me. All I want is a good night's sleep and a decent meal before I die; and exhaustion brought along easy sleep.

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