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I followed Blake's much more muscular form in silence down countless halls. We pasted numerous doors that stood tall and took many turns until finally we stopped in front of another large spruce door.

This door (much like the other we were previously at) smells like Blake and has an air of authority surrounding it. It's as if the door is saying "If you enter me without permission you'll be punished, and you will not like it." The thought in itself is scary.

Blake spun around and looked down at me. "This is my living space. Everything behind these doors is mine." He pointed to the large detailed spruce door while he talked.  "You'll be living in here with me." Blake spun back around and pushed through the door with me tailing behind him like a lost puppy.

In a way I am a lost puppy. Ironic.

Blakes' "Living space" is more like an average sized apartment. When you first walk in you see a modern kitchen to your left with all your utilities and a breakfast bar will tall steel stools. When you look forwards there's a beige themed living room with dark oak flooring that seems to continue throughout the rest of the house. There's a hallway in-between the Kitchen and the living room that I assume leads to a bedroom and bathroom.

"Impressive, right?" Blake's booming voice echoed throughout the apartment. I looked up at the taller man and nodded. The place was beautiful, no doubt, but it felt lonely. There were no pictures on the walls or any sign of life in the unnaturally clean space. The rooms looked liked a replica from an IKEA magazine.

"My room's down the hall. It's the first door on the left." Blake explained, walking over to the hallway. "This door-" Blake pointed to a door on the right hand side of the wall "- is the bathroom."

"Okay, um. Thanks?" Unintentionally, my sentence came out as more of a question.

"Yeah.." Blake acknowledged. We continued towards Blake's room with  an awkward silence stretching over us.

Blake pushed open his door with a single large hand before he stepped inside the room. In the middle of the room stood a king sized bed and on either sides were black night stands. On the left nightstand a stack of books laid and on the right nightstand a silver lamp lite the room. A desk was pushed against the wall next to the entrance door on the right hand side of the room. On the left side of the room stood a white door; that I'm presuming is a closet.

"I'll grab you some clothes and then you can take a shower. Stay here." Blake sent me a warning glance before he  ventured into the white door. I sent the room another quick scan before I sunk inside my head to contact Alex.

Alex? Should we run?

No. It would be to dangerous right now. He knows our scent, he's faster, and he's expecting it.

Alex's reply was quick and certain. Prompting me to listen to her words.

"Alright. Take these, you know where the shower is. Yeah?" Blake questioned outstretching the hand that held the clothes. I nodded and grabbed what he held out for me. "Okay, uh. I'll be in the living room." Blake nodded at me before walking off towards said living room.

I walked out of his room a few seconds after him. I shuffled down the hallway and to the bathroom. I shut and locked the door behind me before taking in the room.

It was simple, like the rest of the house. It held a toilet, a large bath with jets, a small closet, a granite counter with a sink, and a shower. The floor was made out of white tiles and on those tiles laid a small black carpet.

Smiling to myself I quickly undressed. It's been so long since I last had a shower. Let alone clean non-ripped clothing to change into. Despite the seemingly hopeless situation this is marvelous.

I turn the shower knob as far right as it'll go, then I jump in. The water is scalding hot, leaving my skin red and burning but it feels great. It's been so very long since I was last clean. I grabbed a bottle of soap of a small ridge in the wall and rid my body of all the grime.

Then I grab the only other bottle- shampoo. I squirt a bit on my white hair and massaged it into my head. I rinsed the shampoo out of my white locks after I was satisfied. Turning off the hot water I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I didn't even get any soap in my eyes!

I grabbed the shirt Blake gave me and slipped it over my head. It's gray and big; it hangs off my shoulder and falls to my thighs. I slipped on the red boxer briefs that I hope are new. And finally put on the very large black sweat pants.

I opened the door and stepped out of the steaming bathroom. "Blake?" I called out. I received no reply and called out to him again. With no luck, I didn't receive a reply.

I entered the living room that was still unnaturally clean. Everything was in place. Then I entered the Kitchen and on the breakfast bar sat a note.

It read:

Sorry, Oliver, Alpha duty calls. I'll be back later, probably. There's food in the fridge.

From, Blake

I threw the note into the garbage and went to the door. I twisted the handle and pulled, It didn't move. Then I pushed and It didn't budge. Next I checked every window I could find. All locked with a small silver padlock.  Stupid!

If I'm stuck here then I'm going to make the most of it. I saw a TV in the living room. I hope there's something good on!


Hey, everyone! It's been awhile since I last updated so to apologize this chapter is extra long. Is Oliver and Blakes relationship going to slow? I have big plains for them but I want to build up to it. Enjoy~

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