Mall trip

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I couldn't help that I was so angry at Chandler! He has lied to me and crushed my heart into a million pieces. I don't understand why I ever liked him!

The rips came as I tore down every single picture of Chandler I had in my room. One by one they fell to the floor as just scraps. It stung a little to know that I was just suddenly going to stop liking somebody that I had just started liking. I saw the autograph he gave me out of the corner of my eye. I picked it up and stared at it for a while. I took it downstairs and threw it into my fireplace. My eyes twinkled as I watched it burn into nothing but ash.

I had officially destroyed every thing that involved Chandler. I got onto my Twitter and stopped following him, then I got onto my Facebook and unliked his page. Anger just boiled through me and I hated Chandler with a passion!

I looked at my phone and had two new texts. I needed to get ready because I was going to the mall with Brenna and Molly later on. I hoped that it would help me clear my head.

I picked out a t shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I didn't bother with makeup today. I was past the point of caring. Maybe Chandler lied to me about not liking me? I heard Amber say for herself that he did? I looked into the mirror and wanted to cry at my reflection. I looked horrible and I had bags under my eyes.

I took out my pair of black glasses and put them on with the hope of them covering up my eyes. I usually wore contacts but I wasn't in the mood for messing with them.


" Bye mom!" I called on my way out of the door.

" Bye! Make sure to call me when you get there!" My mom says in the paranoid mom voice.

I rolled my eyes in a happy way. At least somebody still cared about me. I raced down my driveway towards the black Honda that awaited me. I Climbed in and sat next to Brenna. The smell of a new car hit my nose, but it seemed to relax me.

We raced through the double doors of the mall then I sat down on a bench near the entrance.

" Sorry I need to call my mom really quick I told them."

After I called my mom we headed towards the frozen yogurt shop. I ended up getting chocolate pilled high with sprinkles and coconut. I paid for it then sat down at one of the snazzy green tables.

I was eating and staring out the window when Chandler and his friend Sam walked in! I swear I wanted to walk right up to Chandler and rip his head off. I tried to blend in but it didn't work. Brenna called him over to sit with us!

" Hi everybody." He said when he sat down.

I didn't respond I just slightly shook my head. I averted my eyes from him, but I could feel him keeping his eyes glued to the back of my head. I was acting childish but honestly I didn't care.

" Hi." Says Sam kind of like a outcast.

" Hi." I say back.

Sam seemed nice. He had a crazy personality and kept us all laughing. I was glad that he was here to fix up some of the tension between me and Chandler. We all left the yogurt place in a big crowd. I stayed towards the back.

" So Chandler tells me that you are new here." Says Sam with a smile.

" Yes I am." I say.

" Oh I am Sam and you are?" He asks.

" I am Whitney." I say quietly.

" It is nice to meet you." He says.

" You too." I say not knowing what else to say.


Molly, Brenna, and Sam all decided to go into another store. My feet got tired so I just decided to stay behind and sit down on a bench. Chandler comes and sits next to me.

" Are you mad at me/" He asks looking at the floor.

" No why would I be mad at you?" I say trying to keep my voice calm.

" You have been avoiding me this whole time." He says.

" Oh sorry I thought you were busy with Amber." I say giving him a glare.

Chandler dropped the conversation after that. We sat in silence for a while. I finally decided to speak.

" I am not mad at you okay. And yes I do know who you are. I got a autograph from you. You are from The Walking Dead and I happen to have a major crush on you. I can't believe that I am sitting at a mall talking to you like it is normal." I say spilling the beans.

Chandler is quiet for a moment.

" Whitney, you seem like a nice girl. It is sometimes crazy realizing that I am famous. Sometimes it is hard to get to act like a normal kid sometimes. Everybody always expects me to act perfect and they criticize everything that I do. If somebody even saw me talking to you, there would be a article tomorrow talking about "Chandler's new girl friend." Sometimes I wish I could just get to be normal for one day." He says sighing.

" Oh I didn't know it is that stressful. I think I made it awkward though now that you know that I have a crush on you." I almost whisper.

" Not really." He states simply.

For some reason he managed to make me not mad at him anymore. He made my stomach go into butterflies just being next to him! I seriously can't believe that I am talking to Chandler!!!!!!!!!!!

It all started with a autograph. A Chandler Riggs fan fiction.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin