Meeting Anna!

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The good old weekend is over! Back to school it is! I went through my usual routine of getting ready. Then I hopped down my stairs two at a time. Today I decided to eat breakfast.

Next came the bus ride which was the same us usual. I texted Brenna while on the bus and I talked to Molly.

I was going to my locker when I was stopped by a girl. She was really pretty! She told me her name was Anna. I talked and walked with her to my class. She has the same first period class as me. She sat on the other side of the room as me though, so I couldn't talk to her during class.

Anna said that she liked Chandler too. It was just another thing we had in common! I invited Anna, Brenna, and Molly to come to my house for a sleep over that Friday. Everybody seemed thrilled at that idea. My parents would also be happy that I was making so many friends!

I walked with Anna to my next class, which sadly we didn't happen to have together. I gave Anna my phone number and told her I would text her after school was over. Anna seemed like a nice girl. I was happy to be meeting so many friendly people!


Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter but there will be more tomorrow! I will be added lots more people, and I plan on making Molly, Brenna, and Anna main characters along with Chandler, Sam, and me. Remember if you want to be in this book read the short note before this and comment!

It all started with a autograph. A Chandler Riggs fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now