The end of the book!

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We find a cure! It has been four months and we stumbled upon a place full of scientists who had been working this whole time to find a cure. They did it, they found one! Everybody took the shot which would repel the zombies from wanting to eat us. Eventually the zombies would run out of food and drop dead. The plan after that was to gather all of the remaining people left and start a town where things could go back to normal.

I could finalyl breathe again! I just wished my parents had been here with me to share my joy. There was no constant fear of dying and I could sleep easy. In our little town we began to grow vegtables and we had started to produce meats and eggs. We also had hot water!

I can't even tell you the last time we had hot water. I got into the shower and just instantly fell to my knees and started crying. I let out everything that I had been holding in since this whole thing started. Our town currently had one hundred and twenty five people. I was amazed at how many had survived. I finally had hope for the future.

I walked out of the house and felt the sun light pouring on my face. I saw Carl walking towards me smiling. I sighed and knew today was going to be a good day!


Chandler and me have offically been together for a whole year. It was a whole year of laughing and crying. A whole year of fighting and hugging. A whole year of ups and downs.

We decided for our one year anniversary to go to The Walking Dead finale party in New York. It was going to be great! I had picked out my dress which was a black dress that touched the floor. Chandler wore a nice suit.

My parents were so proud of me! It was nice to be crammed in the limo with my family and his all there to support us. We pulled up and there was a red carpet with various other actors on it. I get to walk the red carpet! I wanted to pass out because I was so excited.

We slowely got out and we were barmbarded by flashing cameras. I put on my best smile and tucked my arm through Chandler's. Together we headed through the double doors and into the theater.

We sat down next to all of my other fellow cast members. Everybody was excited yet sad at the same time. I had grown accustomed to filming for The Walking Dead and I was sad to let that go.

The episode finally started. All of the audience got very quiet and watched. It was amazing! It was cool to see my face on the big screen. I held Chandler's hand and cried when it ended. I cried tears of happiness because it was so amazing.

Then we went to the after party. There was tables and tables of foods and drinks. I was in heaven. I chatted with the other cast members and hugged them goodbye. I walked outside to get some fresh air. I found Chandler sitting there to. We just stared up at the bright shining stars.

" So this is it?" I asked.

" This is it." Chandler repeated.

The only thing next to do was to wait to see what life had in store for us next!

Authors note: Thank you guys so much for supporting me this whole time! I know it is kind of a surprise that the book ended. I am so thankful for being able to write this book and have people to read it. ily all so much! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the end. There might be a part two? Thats just a thought but we will see. I will be going back and spell checking soon but not today. Thanks again for reading! xoxo Whitney.

It all started with a autograph. A Chandler Riggs fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now