11-Zach Dempsey[I hate that I love you]

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Requested-I hope you enjoy:)

There he walked by with his head in his ass walking the school like he owned the damn place. I didn't know why but ever since we met me and Zach just don't get along. I think both our parents always wanted us to be friends...we can see how well that worked out. My mom thinks what we have going on between us is a game, I drive him insane and he drives me insane until we fall in love, or what my mom likes to call it "The forbidden love between Zach and Mannat." Yeah right, mom, like that's ever going to happen.

"Hey, asshole get your head out of your ass before you run into a locker," I yell out to Zach making me laugh, classic me laughing at my comments.

I could hear Zach groan while the other people who surrounded him laugh. "Maybe if you were actually nice to people you might have a boyfriend and just maybe people will start to like you," Zach resorts. The guys give him a pat on the back, saying things like 'nice one' and 'that'll teach her.'

I rolled my eyes not impressed by Zach's comments. "And how's that whole popularity thing working out with you...oh that's right you still don't[ have a girlfriend," I smirk at him, the boys being boys fire back with some 'oohs'. Zach just walked away with the same glare on his face.

The beginning of the day was easy and my classes were tolerable. Then came my favorite part of the day, note my sarcasm. Welcome to communications class with...that's right the one and only Zach Dempsey.

I walk into class and the first sight I see is Zach..figures, the glare was still laced on his lips and the smirk still on mine.

"What's wrong Zach, cats got your tongue," I smile sweetly walking over to my seat, I could hear Zach growls causing me to giggle. The whole entire time I could feel Zach's stare on me, I had to admit at some point it made me uncomfortable but I pushed it to the back of my head.

"Alright class don't forget to check your compliment bags," our teacher reminded us.

I sighed and got up to check my bag knowing nothing important was going to be in there. I peek over the bag and saw a crumpled up piece of paper at the bottom. I opened it up curiosity getting to me. The note was short and the writing what written in neat cursive.

"Smile it looks beautiful on you, stay beautiful ;)"

My cheeks instantly flushed, I looked around the room trying to figure out who the note was from, mo one seemed to suggest it was them.

"Don't get too excited Mannat they probably slipped it into the wrong bag," I hear a voice next to me say. I look up and groan seeing Zach.

"Could you please for once not get into other people's lives," I groan folding the paper, I walk away before he had a chance to reply.

The next few days were a delight, except for the taunting comments of Zach. Every day there was a note left in my bag that put a smile on my face. It was the little things that got to me, things like:

'You are my happy place'

'Just to let you know you were running through my mind today :)'

'I hope your day was as beautiful as your face'

'Wherever you are is where I want to be'

These notes made my days a little less boring and something to look forward to.

Today I decided to get to communications class early I had nothing else to do. I open the door silently, not wanting to startle anyone. I walk in expecting to be the only one in here, but I was wrong. I looked up to see Zach Dempsey over near the compliment bags.

"Well well well if it isn't the one and only Zach Dempsey I say. He jumps from the sudden noise. He turns around quickly.

"Don't you have anything better to do than stalking me," he rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, that was the last thing I would do," I groan at his comment.

He looks back at the bags almost nervous, I smirk.

"What are you hiding," I smile trying to look past his shoulder, he blocks my view and I frown. I walk up to him trying to push my way past him, damn he was strong.

I eventually catch a glimpse of the bags seeing my name. I was shocked at first and then confused. He becomes less tense and lets me in full view of the bags. I reach into mine and sure enough, there was a note...

'When we first met I honestly had no idea you would mean so much to me'

I look up at Zach and smile, his cheeks were all flushed. "All these notes, they were you?"

"Yeah," he smiles rubbing his neck.

"I thought you hated me," he looks up instantly a look of shock on his face.

"Oh god no I've never hated you when I looked at you I thought it was beautiful" he started "I must admit I suck at conveying my emotions and when I saw you my first instinct was to be an asshole and I went with it and so did you. I love you and I'm sorry for being such an asshole will you forgive me?"

I look up at him and smile pulling him closer to me, "you're still an asshole," I smile and he frowns. "But you're my asshole."

I pull him into a kiss and he instantly kissed back, we fit like two puzzle pieces.

"I love you Mannat," he smiles.

"I love you too asshole," I lean in and kiss him again.

Okay this was actually really enjoyed writing this, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

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