40-Montgomery de la Cruz[You are like alcohol]

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You put on a smile and people will believe anything. One thing I have learned from High School, people don't care how you are doing on the inside they only care how you feel on the outside. So you put on a smile and everyone thinks your fine. Yeah maybe it sounds horrible but that's the way this world works.

As if being the total outcast wasn't enough I ended up being the sister to the one and only Bryce Walker, that right the school asshole- and even that was being nice. Not only was made fun of for the way I look but Bryce's reputation stood on my shoulders, there wasn't a day that passed by where my day didn't suck.

So here I was again walking down the halls of Liberty High, not even two minutes of being in school and my day already sucks.

"You know I always tell people to be ugly and proud but when I look at Ysabelle all I see is ugly," the words filled me with sadness as I knew who they were coming from, Montgomery de la Cruz.

Monty always took the opportunity to taunt me, he made my life a living hell and I already had school to deal with.

Knowing there was nothing I could do to stop him so I kept my head down as I walked passed them, Monty and his friends laughed at me as I passed by. Tears threatened to spill out at any moment.

As I walked pass I heard Monty make yet another comment, "Good thing she didn't look up because I didn't bring my sunglasses today, I would have been blinded with all that ugliness."

The boys including my brother laughed yet again. I heard the laughter continue as I walked away to my class. I truly felt like it was me against the world.

I sat in the back of my Physics class, like I did in all my classes. I learned that if you sat in the back people would pay no attention to you.

So it went on day by day, Monty was always there with new hurtful words. He was like a scar etched on me and it wouldn't go away.

"Hey Ysabelle, you look worse than normal, the hell happened to you, you finally look in a mirror?" Monty questioned and I ignored, something I've gotten quite good at.

Suddenly I felt someone slam me into the lockers and I was face to face with Monty.

"I'm getting tired of you ignoring me," his voice filled with anger.

I looked over at Bryce praying he would do something, he just looked amused..asshole.

"You got anything to say to me?" He pushed me harder into the lockers.

"S-sorry," was all I could mutter.

"S-sorry for being such a failure," Monty imitated me, "say it,"

I stood quite for a second as a tear fell down my face. I felt Monty's grip on my shoulders tighten out of anger.

"Say it Ysabelle, say you are a failure," he yelled.

"I-I'm a failure," I cry believing the words that came out of my mouth.

Monty released me and smiled satisfied, "damn right you are."

Everyday Monty found something that would leave me in tears, and every day they seemed to be getting worse. At the end of the week it all got to be too much.

There was nothing from Monty for a couple of days, I passed by him and he did nothing. It was strange and terrifying because I knew he was up to something. And at the end of the week I found out why.

Monty had been going around making the whole school sign a paper if they agreed with Monty that I should kill myself.

The paper was taped on to my locker and it looked as if the whole school had signed it, I didn't know what to think, there were a rush of emotions and I wanted them to go away.

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