24-Jeff Atkins[Romeo and Juliet]

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It was your first day of kindergarten and your young age made you excited for school. Everyone was nice, excited, some sad that their parents were gone, but overall, it was a good day. Until lunch. You were sitting down eating what your mother had made you when an older boy sat opposite of you. You instantly recognized him as the son of your parents' enemies. You had no idea why your families hated each other, but when you both saw each other's faces, you simultaneously stood up walked away from each other. It didn't feel right, he looked like a nice person, but with your families, you'd be nothing more than enemies. At least that's what you thought.
Your lives have been like this for 10 years. You were a sophomore, Jeff a senior and the two of you haven't even tried friendship, but rather threw insults at each other. Again, neither of you knew why, but it was almost as if you were born to hate each other. You both kept your distance, until your god forsaken history teacher paired you two up for a project. Outraged, you both expressed your anger while the class sat back and watched the two of you banter. It wasn't until you were threatened with getting a zero on the project did you both suck it up and pout angrily in your respective seats.
After class, you were at your locker, exchanging your history book for your next class textbook when your locker was shut and the face of Bryce was revealed. Uncomfortable, you took a few steps away from his smug face only to have him walk closer to you.
"Can I help you, Walker?"
"Yes actually. I'm having another party this weekend and you should come. Maybe you'll actually lose your virginity."
"Like every other time you've asked, no. I'd rather stay home than go to a party, get drunk and either ruin my future or get taken advantage of." You rolled your eyes, walking away from him. Next thing you know, you feel your arm being tugged and your body being pushed against the lockers. You tried escaping his hold, but like every other jock, he was strong, a lot stronger than you.
"You're feisty, Y/L/N. I like it." He whispered and you squirmed as much as you could away from his face that was inches from yours when he was thrown to the ground.
"What the hell Walker?"
"Hey, Jeff. Just inviting this one to the party on Saturday." Bryce stated casually, his sick smile still on his face and you rubber the sore spot on your arm.
"Really? Because it sure looked like you were holding her against the lockers. Stay away from her." Bryce had his hands up in defense, looking between you and Jeff as he backed away from you and down the hall.
And that was the day you and Jeff realized that you needed each other. That was the day the insults ended, but to say that being together outside of school was hard, is an understatement. Your parents still hated each other so you either had to sneak out to meet up and go out on your Friday Night dates, or Jeff would sneak into your room at night.
However, in school, you were the "It" couple that every breathing person in school knew about. At first it was unusual, a sophomore and senior that were sworn enemies for 10 years all of a sudden becoming a couple, but then you two were just too adorable to handle. Girls admired your relationship, boys took notes on how to make their girlfriend or boyfriend happy like Jeff made you, and teachers had a soft spot for you two. You were just basically the heart of Liberty High.
Tonight, it's Friday. Every Friday, you'd tell your parents that you're going to a sleepover at your best friends house or to a party, just anything other than the fact that you're going on a date with Jeff Atkins. He normally takes you to Rosie's or the Crestmont, but today, he insisted on spoiling you at the fair that just opened up for the summer. For the next three or so hours, you were riding roller coasters and standing beside Jeff as he won you yet another prize from a booth.
"You better hope this all fits in the car." You mumbled, biting the piece of cotton candy Jeff held out to you. Your arms were full because you were stubborn and insisted that Jeff feed you. When you got back to his house, he walked in and let you in through the window of his room that was thankfully on the first floor. You changed into a shirt he handed you, so it was the only thing you were wearing, while he was shirtless with a pair of sweatpants on.
Your head laid on his broad chest, your fingers drawing shapes as you laid with each other in silence. "I wish we could tell our parents about us. I mean, we can, but they would probably make us break up."
"Our parents' feud shouldn't be the reason that we can't be happy. Whatever happened between them that they won't tell us is over with. No one can change the past, I can't change the past, you can't change the past, but we can create the future. Our future."
"I take it you want our parents to know?" It took him a few seconds, but he nodded with a smile on his face. "What if they don't like us together?"
"We'll elope." Jeff said seriously.
"We can tell them, together, but we can worry about that tomorrow. I just want to sleep right now."
"Buenas noches, princesa." He mumbled, gently place a kiss to your temple as he pulled you closer against his warm body.

The next day, you and Jeff agreed to bring your parents to Rosie's to try and talk about everything. Jeff picked public place because the crowd around them might prevent fighting. That or they're going to cause a scene for everyone in the town to see. So here you are, your parents driving to Rosie's with you in the back seat. From your spot, you saw the Atkins' car and the reality of the situation hit you. You didn't want to leave Jeff, no matter what your parents would think and you especially didn't want to hide your relationship from your family.
The car doors opened and you lead everyone inside Rosie's and to a table. That table being where Jeff and his family were sitting patiently with menus in front of them. When the door opened, the bell above the door rang and Jeff's head shot up and your eyes met.
"Mom, dad, this is the guy I was telling you about, my boyfriend. Jeff these are my parents."
"Atkins?" Your dad exclaimed, ignoring the fact that you grabbed Jeff's hand. Upon hearing their last name, Mr. and Mrs. Atkins turned around and their smiles instantly fell. "Of all people, you chose to date him?!"
"What's wrong with Jeff?"
"He has you as parents." What your father said is what caused the two couples to bicker at each other back and forth while you and Jeff sat down, looking at the menu. After a good while, Jeff sighed frustratedly and stood up, his chair flying back as he did so.
"Okay, that's enough!" The entire restaurant went silent, some pretending not to pay attention and others making it obvious. "Can you guys please stop acting like teenagers? Yes, I'm dating your daughter and mom, dad, I know you don't approve, but so what? I love her and we plan on staying together so you might as well forget about the whatever's going on between you because we're not breaking up just because you all want us to. Now, can you please just sit down and enjoy the dinner with us?" Both of your parents seemed to somewhat calm down, Jeff following with a relieved look on his face as he grabbed a hold of your hand.
So, yes, your families are enemies and they hated the relationship the two of you have, but you hoping that this relationship would bring out the good in everyone and the feud will finally be put to rest

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